Class TaskController

public class TaskController extends ProcessController
TaskController enables testing processes with attended tasks via program automation.

TaskController provides simplified access to find a task within a recursive process tree, and it provides simplified execution of such task once found.


 TaskController session = TaskController.initialize(currentServiceContext, processId);
 TaskDetails taskDetails = session.expect("MyNode*");
 if (taskDetails != null) {
   session.execute(new ActivityClassParameter[] {new ActivityClassParameter(
     "myparam", AppianTypeLong.STRING, "Hello")});
 session.expect("Order Number *");
 if (taskDetails != null) {
   session.execute(new ActivityClassParameter[] {new ActivityClassParameter(
     "otherparam", AppianTypeLong.STRING, "Goodbye")});

Call session.getLog() to get log of actions taken; use session.setLogLevel() to tune the amount of information.

Call session.getPerformanceSummary() for a textual description of performance timings.

As this extends ProcessController and Controller, all ProcessController and Controller capabilities are available.