Class ActivityExecutionMetadata

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ActivityExecutionMetadata extends Object implements Serializable
Metadata attributes of an activity that are needed during its execution. Generally, these objects are retrieved from API calls on the ProcessExecutionService, so developers should not interact with the setter methods.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ActivityExecutionMetadata

      public ActivityExecutionMetadata()
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public Long getId()
    • setId

      public void setId(Long id_)
    • getExecutionEnvironment

      public Integer getExecutionEnvironment()
      The environment in which the activity executes, such as process execution engine or java.
      one of the ActivityClassSchema.ENVIRONMENT_XXX constants.
      See Also:
    • setExecutionEnvironment

      public void setExecutionEnvironment(Integer executionEnvironment_)
      The environment in which the activity executes, such as process execution engine or java.
      executionEnvironment_ - one of the ActivityClassSchema.ENVIRONMENT_XXX constants.
      See Also:
    • getJavaActivityClassname

      public String getJavaActivityClassname()
      Gets the fully qualified class name of the java class that embodies the activity. This method is only useful if the execution environment is Java.
      the activity class name
    • setJavaActivityClassname

      public void setJavaActivityClassname(String javaActivityClassname_)
      Sets the fully qualified class name of the java class that embodies the activity. This method is only useful if the execution environment is Java.
    • getParameters

      public ActivityClassParameter[] getParameters()
      Gets the input parameters on which the activity operates.
      the parameters
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters(ActivityClassParameter[] parameters_)
      Sets the input parameters on which the activity operates.
    • getConfirmationUrl

      public String getConfirmationUrl()
      Gets the url of the page that should be shown to the user who performs an attended task if that task completes successfully.
      the confirmation page
    • setConfirmationUrl

      public void setConfirmationUrl(String confirmationUrl_)
      Sets the url of the page that should be shown to the user who performs an attended task if that task completes successfully.
    • getReturnVariables

      public ActivityReturnVariable[] getReturnVariables()
      Gets the variables whose values are produced during activity execution. These values are then stored in the database via a call to ProcessExecutionService.completeActivity.
      the results from the execution of the activity
      See Also:
    • setReturnVariables

      public void setReturnVariables(ActivityReturnVariable[] returnVariables_)
      The variables whose values are produced during activity execution. These values are then stored in the database via a call to ProcessExecutionService.completeActivity.
    • getUser

      public String getUser()
      The user who executes the activity
      the username of the user who executes the activity.
    • setUser

      public void setUser(String _user)
      The user who executes the activity
      _user - the primary key (username) of the user.
    • getActivityProperties

      public ActivityProperties getActivityProperties()
      Gets the properties of an activity, such as the task properties, process properties, and process model properties for a task, the process it is in, and the model for that process.
      the properties
      See Also:
    • setActivityProperties

      public void setActivityProperties(ActivityProperties activityProperties_)
    • getWorkId

      public Long getWorkId()
      Gets the workId of an activity if it's managed by the workq, null otherwise.
    • setWorkId

      public void setWorkId(Long workId_)
    • getWorkToken

      public Long getWorkToken()
      Gets the unique disambiguation token of an activity if it's managed by the workq, null otherwise
    • setWorkToken

      public void setWorkToken(Long _workToken)
    • getWorkType

      public Long getWorkType()
      Gets the work type code of an activity if it's managed by the workq, null otherwise
    • setWorkType

      public void setWorkType(Long workType)
    • getGrantorUsername

      public String getGrantorUsername()
    • setGrantorUsername

      public void setGrantorUsername(String grantorUsername)
    • getForm

      public FormConfig getForm()
      the form configuration object which will specify the form that will be used for the activity. Forms can be internal, JSP or dynamic
      See Also:
    • setForm

      public void setForm(FormConfig form_)
    • getHelperInstance

      public ActivityParameterHelper getHelperInstance()
      the instantiated Helper class for the activity
    • setHelper

      public void setHelper(String helper_)
    • getHelper

      public String getHelper()
      fully qualified name of the helper class.
    • isAsynchronous

      public boolean isAsynchronous()
      true if the activity is asynchronous else false. Asynchronous activities do not stall the Process Execution Engine
    • setAsynchronous

      public void setAsynchronous(boolean asynchronous_)
    • getPrecedingChainedActivity

      public int getPrecedingChainedActivity()
    • hasPrecedingChainedActivity

      public boolean hasPrecedingChainedActivity()
    • setPrecedingChainedActivity

      public void setPrecedingChainedActivity(int precedingChainedActivity_)
    • isChained

      public boolean isChained()
    • setChained

      public void setChained(boolean chained_)
    • isLingering

      public boolean isLingering()
      Returns true if this is a Quick Task, false otherwise.
      true if it's a Quick Task, false otherwise.
    • setLingering

      public void setLingering(boolean lingering_)
    • isBackButtonEnabled

      public boolean isBackButtonEnabled()
    • setBackButtonEnabled

      public void setBackButtonEnabled(boolean backButtonEnabled_)
    • isFormDeleted

      public boolean isFormDeleted()
    • setFormDeleted

      public void setFormDeleted(boolean formDeleted_)
    • isOnCompleteKeepFormData

      public boolean isOnCompleteKeepFormData()
    • setOnCompleteKeepFormData

      public void setOnCompleteKeepFormData(boolean onCompleteKeepFormData_)
    • getAdditionalContext

      public Map<String,String> getAdditionalContext()
      A map of additional context that is passed to the node from an external service. This item can be null
    • setAdditionalContext

      public void setAdditionalContext(Map<String,String> additionalContext_)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object