Class ActivityClassSchema

All Implemented Interfaces:
JSONable, JSONCacheable, LocalId, XMLable, Serializable

public class ActivityClassSchema extends Identity implements JSONCacheable, XMLable
The template from which activity classes are created. When a system administrator addes a new activity to the system, an instance of this class is used to represent that activity. When a process designer puts a node in a process model, he or she is using an ActivityClass, which has a reference to this schema. The schema specifies what the parameters of an activity are and some of the restrictions on those parameters that constrain the designer's behavior.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Integer ENVIRONMENT_PROCESS_EXECUTION_ENGINE
      Constant indicating a Process execution engine environment.

      public static final Integer ENVIRONMENT_JAVA
      Constant indicating a Java execution environment.

      public static final int ATTENDED
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema must be attended.
      See Also:

      public static final int UNATTENDED
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema must be unattended.
      See Also:

      public static final int ATTENDED_AND_UNATTENDED
      Constant indicating that designers can choose whether activities of this schema are be attended or unattended.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_SYSTEM
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema are for internal system use only.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_ASSIGNMENT
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema are for to perform task assignment only.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_ASSIGNEE_POOL
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema are for to perform task assignment only.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_SMART_NODES
      Constant indicating that nodes containing activities of this schema are smart noded.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_SUBPROCESS
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema are subprocesses.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_ESCALATIONS
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema are escalations.
      See Also:

      public static final int ASYNCHRONOUS
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema can be run asynchronously.
      See Also:

      public static final int SYNCHRONOUS
      Constant indicating that activities of this schema cannot be run asynchronously.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ActivityClassSchema

      public ActivityClassSchema()
  • Method Details

    • getHiddenAttributes

      public HashSet<String> getHiddenAttributes()
      Description copied from interface: JSONable
      Returns the set of attributes (properties) that should not be included in the JSON representation of the object.
      Specified by:
      getHiddenAttributes in interface JSONable
      the set of hidden attributes
    • getParameters

      public ActivityClassParameterSchema[] getParameters()
      Gets the parameters used by activities that conform to this schema. These parameters can have a type of DEFERRED, and any BEAN_ARRAY parameters have a size of exactly 1, with the value field holding another ActivityClassParameterSchema that is of type BEAN, providing the layout of the beans to be contained in the array at design time.
      an array of ActivityClassParameterSchema objects representing the parameters for this activity class schema
      See Also:
    • setParameters

      public void setParameters(ActivityClassParameterSchema[] parameters_)
      Sets the parameters used by activities that conform to this schema. These parameters can have a type of DEFERRED, and any BEAN_ARRAY parameters have a size of exactly 1, with the value field holding another ActivityClassParameterSchema that is of type BEAN, providing the layout of the beans to be contained in the array at design time.
      parameters_ - an array of ActivityClassParameterSchema objects representing the parameters for this activity class schema
      See Also:
    • toXML

      public String toXML()
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Generates an XML representation of this object (including all child objects). A typical implementation is to create a new StringBuilder and call toXML( StringBuilder ) on it.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      The XML representation of this object.
    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Description copied from interface: XMLable
      Appends an XML representation of this object (including all child objects) to the given buffer. Override for performance.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      buffer_ - The buffer on which to append the XML representation.
    • getFunction

      public String getFunction()
      Gets the k function for this activity class schema
      the k function user for this activity class schema
    • setFunction

      public void setFunction(String function_)
      Sets the k function for this activity class schema
      function_ - the k function for this activity class schema
    • getExecutionEnvironmentId

      public Integer getExecutionEnvironmentId()
      Gets the the execution environment for this activity class schema
      the execution environment for this activity class schema. Possible values are : ENVIRONMENT_JAVA, ActivityClassSchema#ENVIRONMENT_K
    • setExecutionEnvironmentId

      public void setExecutionEnvironmentId(Integer executionEnvironmentId_)
      sets the executionEnvironment for this ac-schema
      executionEnvironmentId_ - tthe execution environment for this activity class schema. Allowed values are : ENVIRONMENT_JAVA, ActivityClassSchema#ENVIRONMENT_K
    • getJavaClassName

      public String getJavaClassName()
      the java classname for this ac-schema
    • setJavaClassName

      public void setJavaClassName(String javaClassName_)
      sets the java class name for this ac-schema
      javaClassName_ - the javaClassName to set for this ac-schema
    • getUnattended

      public Long getUnattended()
      Indicates whether the activity class schema requires user interaction to complete
      ATTENDED if the activity class schema is attended (requires human interaction), UNATTENDED if the activity class schema is unattended, ATTENDED_AND_UNATTENDED if it can be both
    • setUnattended

      public void setUnattended(Long unattended_)
      Sets whether the activity class schema requires user interaction to complete
      unattended_ - value to set for whether this ac-schema is unattended. Allowed values are: ATTENDED if the activity class schema is attended (requires human interaction), UNATTENDED if the activity class schema is unattended, ATTENDED_AND_UNATTENDED if it can be both
    • setHelperClass

      public void setHelperClass(String parameterHelperClassname_)
      Sets the helper class for this activity class schema.
      parameterHelperClassname_ - the helper class
      See Also:
    • getHelperClass

      public String getHelperClass()
      Gets the helper class for this activity class schema. A parameter helper class is used by the framework to help execute an activity class. The parameter helper class is associated with an activity class in the activity class config xml file, and must implement the ActivityParameterHelper interface. The helper class is optional. Please refer to the ActivityParameterHelper class for more information on the specific functionality of a helper class.
      the helper class
    • getType

      public int getType()
      Gets the type for this activity class schema. Possible values are in the set of ActivityClassSchema.TYPE_XXX
      the Type of this activity class schema
    • setType

      public void setType(int type_)
      Sets the type for this activity class schema. Allowed values are in the set of ActivityClassSchema.TYPE_XXX
      type_ - the Type of this activity class schema to set
    • getReturnValues

      public ActivityReturnVariable[] getReturnValues()
      Gets the return variables for this activity class schema
      an array of ActivityReturnVariable objects representing the return values of the activity class schema
      See Also:
    • setReturnValues

      public void setReturnValues(ActivityReturnVariable[] returnValues_)
      Sets the return variables for this activity class schema
      returnValues_ - an array of ActivityReturnVariable objects representing the return values of the activity class schema
      See Also:
    • getFormConfigMap

      public FormConfigMap getFormConfigMap()
      Gets the information about the form associated with this activity class schema.
      a FormConfig object that represents information about the form associated with this activity class schema
      See Also:
    • getFormConfig

      public FormConfig getFormConfig(Locale locale_)
      Gets the form config corresponding to the given locale, or null if no such config exists.
      locale_ -
    • setFormConfigMap

      public void setFormConfigMap(FormConfigMap formConfigMap_)
      Sets the information about the form associated with this activity class schema
      formConfig_ - a FormConfig object that represents information about the form associated with this activity class schema to set
    • getLocalId

      public String getLocalId()
      Gets the local id of the activity class schema on the system.
      Returns the localId.
    • setLocalId

      public void setLocalId(String localId_)
      Sets the local id of the activity class schema on the system.
      localId_ - The localId to set.
    • getAsynchronous

      public int getAsynchronous()
      Indicates whether activities of this schema be run asynchronously.
      an integer which indicates whether activities of this schema be run asynchronously. Will return one fo the following values: ASYNCHRONOUS, SYNCHRONOUS
    • setAsynchronous

      public void setAsynchronous(int asynchronous_)
      Sets whether activities of this schema be run asynchronously.
      asynchronous_ - an integer which indicates whether activities of this schema be run asynchronously. Allowed values are: ASYNCHRONOUS, SYNCHRONOUS,
    • getCustomSetupUrl

      public String getCustomSetupUrl()
      Gets the URL for the custom setup tab
      the URL for the custom setup tab.
    • setCustomSetupUrl

      public void setCustomSetupUrl(String customSetupUrl_)
      Sets the URL for the custom setup tab
      customSetupUrl_ - he URL for the custom setup tab to set.
    • isTemplate

      public boolean isTemplate()
      Indicates whether this schema is a template for a particular web service (Not in use)
      true if this schema a template for a particular web service, false otherwise
    • setTemplate

      public void setTemplate(boolean template_)
      Sets whether this schema a template for a particular web service
      template_ - true if this schema a template for a particular web service, false otherwise.
    • findByLocalId

      public static ActivityClassSchema findByLocalId(ActivityClassSchema[] schemas, String localId)