Package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.analytics2

package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.process.analytics2

Provides functionality for querying the process engine for data about process models, processes, and tasks.

The most important classes are ProcessAnalyticsService and ProcessAnalyticsServiceUtils, which provide methods for interacting with the engine, and ProcessReport, which is the top-level bean for specifying a report format.

  • Class
    Filter for tasks/processes that are ahead of schedule: when this filter is added, only completed tasks/processes that are ahead of schedule will be returned in the report.
    Base class for all analytics filters.
    Filter for tasks/processes that are behind schedule: when this filter is added, only the incomplete and completed tasks/processes that are behind schedule will be returned in the report.
    The Column bean contains information necessary to retrieve a column of data from the backend and display it properly.
    Defines constants for logical comparisons between values.
    this unused filter will be removed in a future release
    this unused filter will be removed in a future release; use instead DueTodayFilter as it returns the same results
    Filter for completed tasks/processes: when this filter is added, only completed tasks/processes will be returned in the report.
    The DrillPath bean describes how data in a report Column links to more information.
    Filter for tasks/processes that are due today.
    The base interface for all filters in analytics.
    This analytics filter will return the last N processes/tasks to have been completed.
    Filter for processes/tasks which have been started in the last N days.
    this unused filter will be removed in a future release
    The OutsideNStandardDeviationsFilter returns processes/tasks whose completion duration is more than the specified number of standard deviations above or below the average completion duration.
    This object represents the attribute that was executed while generating the report.
    This object represents the metrics for the generated report.
    ProcessAnalyticsService provides access to reports on entities and events throughout the process application.
    This class supplements the ProcessAnalyticsService with additional methods.
    Bean detailing an analytics report specification.
    A QuickFilter is a set of QuickFilterItems.
    A QuickFilterItem is a set of Filters.
    Bean defining the type of data contained in an analytics report.
    Bean detailing how an analytics report is to be displayed.
    Contains the results of an Analytics query.
    Validator for ProcessReports.
    Filter for running processes and tasks.
    Simple column filter which allows you to filter on any column in the report.
    Bean detailing analytics threshold object.