Class Comparisons


public class Comparisons extends Object
Defines constants for logical comparisons between values.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static Integer GREATER_THAN
      Operator representing "is greater than the given value".

      public static final Integer LESS_THAN
      Operator representing "is less than the given value".

      public static final Integer GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS
      Operator representing "is greater than or equal to the given value".

      public static final Integer LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS
      Operator representing "is less than or equal to the given value".
    • EQUAL

      public static final Integer EQUAL
      Operator representing "is equal to the given value".

      public static Integer NOT_EQUAL
      Operator representing "is not equal to the given value".
    • IN

      public static final Integer IN
      Operator representing "exists in the given array of values".
    • NOT_IN

      public static Integer NOT_IN
      Operator representing "does not exist in the given array of values".

      public static Integer BETWEEN
      Operator representing "lies between the given range of values".

      public static Integer NOT_BETWEEN
      Operator representing "does not lie between the given range of values".
    • LIKE

      public static final Integer LIKE
      Operator representing "is a substring of another String". Wildcards are allowed in the values being operated on, such that when "*abc*" is operated on, the result will be all Strings containing the substring "abc"; when "abc" is operated on, the result will be all Strings equal to "abc" The comparison is case insensitive.
    • NOT_LIKE

      public static Integer NOT_LIKE
      Operator representing "is not a substring of another String". Wildcards are allowed in the values being operated on, such that when "*abc*" is operated on, the result will be all Strings not containing the substring "abc"; when "abc" is operated on, the result will be all Strings not equal to "abc" The comparison is case insensitive.
  • Constructor Details

    • Comparisons

      public Comparisons()