Interface Validatable

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActivityClassParameter, ActivityReturnVariable, ProcessVariable, ProcessVariableInstance

public interface Validatable
Classes implementing this interface can be subjected to runtime validation. Generally, these classes are descendants of TypedVariable.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final int NULLABLE_NOT_AT_ALL
      Must have a default value, must have a value submitted by the runtime user.
      See Also:

      static final int NULLABLE_BY_ALL
      Not required at all.
      See Also:

      static final int NULLABLE_ADMIN_AND_DESIGN
      May not have a default value, but still required by the runtime user.
      See Also:

      static final int MUTABLE_NOT_BY_END_USER
      See Also:

      static final int MUTABLE_BY_END_USER
      See Also:

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getNullable

      Long getNullable()
      Determines whether this object can be set to null, or an empty string.
      One of the NULLABLE_XXX constants (defined by this interface) indicating the nullability of the object.
    • getMutable

      Long getMutable()
      Determines whether this object can be modified by the user.
      One of the MUTABLE_XXX constants defined by this interface.
    • getValue

      Object getValue()
      Retrieves the value of this object. This value is not the object itself, but rather the object being wrapped. Think of classes that implement this interface as wrappers for a smaller object, along with a bunch of metadata about the object. This method returns the wrapped object (generally a String or a Long), without the metadata.
      The object wrapped by the implementing class.
    • setValue

      void setValue(Object value_)
    • getType

      @Deprecated Long getType()
      Use getInstanceType()
      Retrieves the type of this object. The type is just metadata about the value property, and corresponds to one of the constants defined in TypedVariable.
      The type of the wrapped object.
      See Also:
    • getInstanceType

      Long getInstanceType()
      Retrieves the type id, which corresponds to a Datatype. Built-in datatype ids are defined in AppianType
      the type id
    • setInstanceType

      void setInstanceType(Long type_)
      Sets the type id, which corresponds to a Datatype. Built-in datatype ids are defined in AppianType
    • getValidationMessages

      List getValidationMessages()
      Retrieves the list of validation messages that have been added to this object by a validator. These messages are Strings.
      A list of Strings representing the validation messages.
    • addValidationMessage

      void addValidationMessage(String message_)
      Adds the given validation message to the collection maintained by this object. All messages can be retrieved with getValidationMessages().
      message_ - The validation message to add.
    • clearValidationMessages

      void clearValidationMessages()
      Clears the collection of validation messages accumulated by this object. A subsequent call to getValidationMessages() will return an empty list, unless there are intervening calls to addValidationMessage().
    • addAllMessages

      void addAllMessages(List newMessages_)
      Adds all of the messages in the given list to the collection of validation messages maintained by this object.
      newMessages_ - A list of validation messages to add, each of which is a String .
      NullPointerException - - if the specified collection is null
    • getKey

      String getKey()
      Gets the name of this variable. Variables are generally key/value bindings, with the added attribute of type. This is the key part of the binding.
      The key as a String.
    • getFriendlyName

      String getFriendlyName()
      Gets a name that can be shown to an end user. In most cases, this is no more complicated than getKey(). Some types of variables, however, have more descriptive text sitting around, and can return that. Basically, end users know about labels, not variable names.
      The friendly name of the variable as a String.
    • getMultiple

      int getMultiple()
      Does this object support a value that is an array?
      TypedVariable.ALWAYS or TypedVariable.NEVER
    • setMultiple

      void setMultiple(int multiple_)
    • getDetailedTypes

      int[] getDetailedTypes()
      Gets the type array of Appian Object(s) selected within the picker.
      Array of values of the selected objects.
      See Also:
    • setDetailedTypes

      void setDetailedTypes(int[] detailedTypes_)