Class ScheduleInstance

All Implemented Interfaces:
XMLable, Serializable

public class ScheduleInstance extends AbstractSchedule
A Schedule is used to define a time for an event based either on an absolute Timestamp or relative to some other event. If the delay is absolute then the timer expires at an exact time, i.e. 12:52AM on 12/18/2007. A relative delay occurs at some offset to another event, such as the activation of a node or process, such as 2 hours and 18 minutes afterwards.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScheduleInstance

      public ScheduleInstance()
  • Method Details

    • toXML

      public void toXML(StringBuilder buffer_)
      Adds the XML representation of the object to the buffer
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLable
      toXML in class AbstractSchedule
      buffer_ - StringBuilder that's populated with the XML representation of the Schedule object
    • getHasTriggered

      public Boolean getHasTriggered()
      Informs if the scheduled event has triggered in the past.
      true if the scheduled event is over else false
    • setHasTriggered

      public void setHasTriggered(Boolean triggered_)
      Sets if the scheduled event has triggered
      triggered_ -
    • getTimeStampScheduled

      public Timestamp getTimeStampScheduled()
      Retrieves the timestamp of the time at which the event is scheduled
      timestamp of the event
    • setTimeStampScheduled

      public void setTimeStampScheduled(Timestamp stampTriggered_)
      Sets the timestamp of the time
      stampTriggered_ - timestamp of the time