Class KnowledgeCenter

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, ContentConstants, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CommunityKnowledgeCenter, PersonalKnowledgeCenter

@KnowledgeCenterDataType public abstract class KnowledgeCenter extends Container
Represents a knowledge center. Knowledge centers can contain KnowledgeFolder} items. When constructing a knowledge center, you must specifically construct a CommunityKnowledgeCenter or a PersonalKnowledgeCenter, which are actually different types.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • accessStatus$TRANSIENT

      public static final boolean accessStatus$TRANSIENT
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getExpirationDays

      public Integer getExpirationDays()
      Gets the number of days until content expires.
      the number of days until content expires
    • setExpirationDays

      public void setExpirationDays(Integer expirationDays)
      Sets the number of days until content expires.
      expirationDays - the number of days until content expires
    • setRequiresAccessApproval

      public void setRequiresAccessApproval(boolean requiresAccessApproval)
      Sets whether users require administrator approval for access to this Knowledge Center
      requiresAccessApproval - true if changes to this knowledge center require approval; false if otherwise.
    • isRequiresAccessApproval

      public boolean isRequiresAccessApproval()
      Checks whether users users require administrator approval for access to this Knowledge Center
      true if the user requires access approval; false otherwise
    • setSearchable

      public void setSearchable(boolean isSearchable)
      Sets whether this knowledge center is searchable.
      isSearchable - true if this knowledge center is searchable; false if otherwise
    • isSearchable

      public boolean isSearchable()
      Checks whether the knowledge center is searchable.
      true if changes to this knowledge center is searchable; false otherwise
    • getAccessStatus

      public Integer getAccessStatus()
      Gets the access status for the content. This field is not automatically populated by the ContentService.
      the access status for this piece of content for the specific user
      See Also:
    • setAccessStatus

      public void setAccessStatus(Integer accessStatus)
      Sets the access status for the content (only valid for the user who retrieved it). Meant for collaboration compatibility and is only meaningful for knowledge centers. 0=unsubcribed, 1=subscribed/favorite, 2=pending access This field cannot be updated in the database.
      accessLevel - the accessStatus
      See Also: