Class Content

All Implemented Interfaces:
LocalId, ContentConstants, AppianTypeHolder, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
Application, Container, CustomContent, Document, Rule

public abstract class Content extends Identity implements ContentConstants, AppianTypeHolder
Represents an item of content. This can be manipulated in the database using ContentService. Content is a generic bean that can represent almost any structure that has to be stored in the database. Currently, it is used to represent knowledge and rule objects. The specific type of content is represented in the type and subtype fields. Note that this class is abstract. You must instantiate it by instantiating a sub-class.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Content

      public Content()
      Default constructor (necessary for return converters). Sets visibility to ContentConstants.VIS_DEFAULT. Sets security to none.
    • Content

      protected Content(int type_)
      Constructs a new Content bean with the given type. Sets visibility to ContentConstants.VIS_DEFAULT. Sets security to none.
      type_ - the content type
      See Also:
    • Content

      protected Content(Integer type_)
      Constructs a new Content bean with the given type.
      type_ - the content type
  • Method Details

    • getUuid

      @ConvertWith(com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.parameters.UuidParameterConverter.class) public String getUuid()
      Description copied from class: Identity
      Returns the UUID of the object.
      getUuid in class Identity
      UUID of object
      See Also:
    • setUuid

      public void setUuid(String uuid_)
      Description copied from class: Identity
      Sets the UUID of the object.
      setUuid in class Identity
      uuid_ - UUID to set
      See Also:
    • getPendingApprovalCount

      public Integer getPendingApprovalCount()
      count of content items with pending approvals, including this content item and its children
    • setPendingApprovalCount

      public void setPendingApprovalCount(Integer pendingApprovalCount)
      This value will be ignored in create/update.
    • getAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getAttributes()
      Gets the attribute map, which can be used to store arbitary properties on content objects. The attribute map is also used to store certain fields for rules and constants, however do not call this method to directly retrieve attributes for rules or constants. Instead, call the getters on Constant or FreeformRule so that the class-specific handling is applied to the retrieved value.
      the attribute map
      See Also:
    • setAttributes

      public void setAttributes(Map<String,Object> attributes_)
      Sets the attribute map, which can be used to store arbitary properties on content objects. The attribute map is also used to store certain fields for rules and constants, however do not call this method to directly modify attributes for rules or constants. Instead, call the setters on Constant or FreeformRule so that the class-specific handling is applied to the stored value. This field can be updated in the database.
      attributes_ - the attribute map
      See Also:
    • getSize

      public Integer getSize()
      Gets the size of the content object. The meaning of "size" can vary depending on the type. Specifically for a Document, the size is the size of the file stored in bytes. This size counts against the user's quota.
      the size
      See Also:
    • setSize

      public void setSize(Integer size_)
      Sets the size of the content object. The meaning of "size" can vary depending on the type. Specifically for a Document, the size is the size of the file stored in bytes. This size counts against the user's quota. This field can be updated in the database.
      size_ - the size of the content
      See Also:
    • getChangesRequireApproval

      public Boolean getChangesRequireApproval()
      Gets whether changes require approval.
      Boolean.TRUE if changes require approval, Boolean.FALSE otherwise
      See Also:
    • setChangesRequireApproval

      public void setChangesRequireApproval(Boolean changesRequireApproval_)
      Sets whether changes require approval.
      changesRequireApproval - Boolean.TRUE if changes require approval, Boolean.FALSE otherwise
      See Also:
    • getCreatedTimestamp

      public Timestamp getCreatedTimestamp()
      Gets the date and time the content was created. This field can be updated in the database.
      the date and time the content was created
      See Also:
    • setCreatedTimestamp

      public void setCreatedTimestamp(Timestamp createdTimestamp_)
      Sets the date and time the content was created.
      createdTimestamp_ - the date and time the content was created
      See Also:
    • getCreator

      public String getCreator()
      Gets the username of the user that created the content. For non-container content, the creator is the user who created the last version of the content.
      the username
      See Also:
    • setCreator

      public void setCreator(String creator_)
      Sets the username of the user that created the content. This field can be updated in the database.
      creator_ - the username
      See Also:
    • getDepth

      public Integer getDepth()
      Gets the depth (if the content was returned by a service method that populates the depth).
      the depth
      See Also:
    • setDepth

      public void setDepth(Integer depth_)
      Sets the depth. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      depth_ - the depth
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Gets the description. If the description starts with "##!", then it is internationalized and the internationalization value should be looked up in Java.
      the description
      See Also:
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description_)
      Sets the description. This field can be updated in the database.
      description_ - the description
      See Also:
    • getExpirationTimestamp

      public Timestamp getExpirationTimestamp()
      Gets the date and time that the content will expire. If this is null, the content will never expire.
      the date and time that the content will expire
      See Also:
    • setExpirationTimestamp

      public void setExpirationTimestamp(Timestamp expirationTimestamp_)
      Sets the date and time that the content will expire. If this is null, the content will never expire. This field can be updated in the database.
      expirationTimestamp_ - the date and time that the content will expire
      See Also:
    • getForum

      @Deprecated public Long getForum()
      The Discussion Forums functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the News feed and related smart services to build applications with similar functionality.
      Gets the ID of the forum used to discuss this content, or null if no such forum has yet been created. Use DiscussionMetadataCoreService and DiscussionMetadataConvenienceService to manipulate the forums. When this is set to a forum ID, Forum.getRelateds() should include this content.
      the ID of the forum
      See Also:
    • setForum

      @Deprecated public void setForum(Long forum_)
      The Discussion Forums functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the News feed and related smart services to build applications with similar functionality.
      Sets the ID of the forum used to discuss this content. Use DiscussionMetadataCoreService and DiscussionMetadataConvenienceService to manipulate the forums. When this is set to a forum ID, Forum.getRelateds() should include this content. This field can be updated in the database. You must have admin privileges to change this field if it has already been set to a forum (a non-zero value).
      forum_ - the ID of the forum
      See Also:
    • getLockedBy

      @Deprecated public String getLockedBy()
      Gets the username of the user that has locked the content, or null if the content is not locked.
      the username
      See Also:
    • setLockedBy

      @Deprecated public void setLockedBy(String lockedBy_)
      use {@link #setLockedByUsername(String))}
      Sets the username of the user that has locked the content, or null if the content is not locked. This field cannot be updated in the database. Set by ContentService.lock(Long[]), ContentService.unlock(Long[]), and ContentService.breakLock(Long[]). If the content is not locked, this is set to ANONYMOUS or blank.
      lockedBy_ - the username
      See Also:
    • getLockedAt

      public Timestamp getLockedAt()
      Gets the date and time that the content was locked, or null if the content is not locked.
      the date and time that the content was locked
      See Also:
    • setLockedAt

      public void setLockedAt(Timestamp lockedAt_)
      This field cannot be updated in the database.
      lockedAt_ - the date and time that the content was locked.
      See Also:
    • getLog

      public Long getLog()
      Gets the log ID sent to the collaboration statistics server. It is guaranteed to be unique for versions of content objects, and a value is never reused.
      the log ID
      See Also:
    • setLog

      public void setLog(Long log_)
      Sets the log ID sent to the collaboration statistics server. This field can be updated in the database.
      log_ - the log ID
      See Also:
    • getLogName

      public String getLogName()
      Gets the name of the log kept by the collaboration statistics server.
      the name of the log
      See Also:
    • setLogName

      public void setLogName(String logName_)
      Sets the name of the log kept by the collaboration statistics server. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      logName_ - the name of the log
      See Also:
    • getParent

      public Long getParent()
      Gets the ID of the parent (the container that contains this content).
      the ID of the parent
      See Also:
    • setParent

      public void setParent(Long parent_)
      Sets the ID of the parent (the container that contains this content). The parent cannot be set to the piece of content itself. This field can be updated in the database.
      parent_ - the ID of the parent
      See Also:
    • getParentName

      public String getParentName()
      Gets the name of the parent (the container that contains this content).
      the name of the parent
      See Also:
    • setParentName

      public void setParentName(String parentName_)
      Sets the name of the parent (the container that contains this content). This field cannot be updated in the database.
      parentName_ - the name of the parent
      See Also:
    • getParentType

      public Integer getParentType()
      Gets the type of the parent (the container that contains this content).
      the type of the parent
      See Also:
    • setParentType

      public void setParentType(Integer parentType_)
      Sets the type of the parent (the container that contains this content). This field cannot be updated in the database.
      parentType_ - the type of the parent
      See Also:
    • getActionRequested

      public Integer getActionRequested()
      Gets the action that was requested and is currently pending approval. One of ContentConstants.ACT_DELETE, ContentConstants.ACT_DEACTIVATE, or ContentConstants.ACT_CREATE. This is null if no action is pending approval. This is only populated from ContentService.getRequests().
      the action that was requested
      See Also:
    • setActionRequested

      public void setActionRequested(Integer actionRequested_)
      Sets the action that was requested and is currently pending approval. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      actionRequested_ - the action that was requested
      See Also:
    • getActionRequester

      public String getActionRequester()
      Gets the username of the user that requested the action currently pending approval. This is null if no action is pending approval. This is only populated from ContentService.getRequests().
      the username
      See Also:
    • setActionRequester

      public void setActionRequester(String actionRequester_)
      Sets the username of the user that requested the action currently pending approval. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      actionRequester_ - the username
      See Also:
    • getSecurity

      public Integer getSecurity()
      Gets the security, which indicates that the role map should be modified in some way. Different security modifiers can be combined by using the bitwise or operator. For instance, a security of ContentConstants.SEC_INH_VIEWER | ContentConstants.SEC_PUBLIC would indicate that the content should both inherit viewers and be considered public.
      the security modifiers
      See Also:
    • setSecurity

      public void setSecurity(Integer security_)
      Sets the security, which indicates that the role map should be modified in some way. Different security modifiers can be combined by using the bitwise or operator. For instance, a security of ContentConstants.SEC_INH_VIEWER | ContentConstants.SEC_PUBLIC would indicate that the content should both inherit viewers and be considered public. This field can be updated in the database. if visibility does not have ContentConstants.VIS_SYSTEM set
      security_ - the security modifiers
      See Also:
    • setSecurity

      public void setSecurity(int security_)
      Sets the security. This method calls setSecurity(Integer).
      security_ - the security
      See Also:
    • addSecurity

      public void addSecurity(Integer security_)
      Adds security. This method calls addSecurity(int).
      security_ - the security to add
      See Also:
    • addSecurity

      public void addSecurity(int security_)
      Adds security by bitwise orring it with the current security.
      security_ - the security to add
      See Also:
    • removeSecurity

      public void removeSecurity(Integer security_)
      Removes security. This method calls removeSecurity(int).
      security_ - the security to remove
      See Also:
    • removeSecurity

      public void removeSecurity(int security_)
      Removes security by unsetting in the security any bits in the security parameter that were previously set.
      security_ - the security to remove
      See Also:
    • securityContains

      public boolean securityContains(Integer security_)
      Check whether the current security contains the security passed in. This method calls securityContains(int).
      security_ - the security to check for
      true if the current security contains the parameter, false otherwise
    • securityContains

      public boolean securityContains(int security_)
      Check whether the current security contains the security passed in. This returns true if there is ANY bit overlap, i.e., if any of the security modifiers in the current security match up with any of the modifiers in the security passed in. For instance, if the current security is ContentConstants.SEC_INH_ADMIN and ContentConstants.SEC_PUBLIC, and the security to check for is ContentConstants.SEC_PUBLIC and ContentConstants.SEC_CREATOR_ADMIN, this method returns true.
      security_ - the security to check for
      true if the current security contains the parameter, false otherwise
    • getState

      public Integer getState()
      Gets the current state of the content. One of the ContentConstants.STATE_XXX constants.
      the state
      See Also:
    • setState

      public void setState(Integer state_)
      Sets the current state of the content. This field can only be updated in the database when specified explicitly in the list of fields to update when using the API ContentService.updateFields(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.content.Content, java.lang.Integer[], java.lang.Integer) API. All other create/update APIs ignore the set value.
      state_ - the state
      See Also:
    • getSubtype

      public Integer getSubtype()
      Gets the subtype of the object. Currently, the subtype is only applicable to Folder and Rule objects.
      the subtype
      See Also:
    • setSubtype

      public void setSubtype(Integer subtype_)
      Sets the subtype of the content. Currently, the subtype is only applicable to Folder and Rule objects. This field can be updated in the database.
      subtype_ - the subtype
      See Also:
    • setSubtype

      public void setSubtype(int subtype_)
      Sets the subtype of the content. This method simply calls setSubtype(Integer).
      subtype_ - the subtype
      See Also:
    • getType

      public Integer getType()
      the type
      See Also:
    • setType

      public void setType(Integer type_)
      Gets the type of the content. One of ContentConstants.TYPE_DOCUMENT, ContentConstants.TYPE_FOLDER, ContentConstants.TYPE_PERSONAL_KC, ContentConstants.TYPE_COMMUNITY_KC, ContentConstants.TYPE_COMMUNITY, ContentConstants.TYPE_RULE, ContentConstants.TYPE_APPLICATION, or ContentConstants.TYPE_CUSTOM. When you create one of the sub-classes of Content, the type is automatically set. This field can be updated in the database.
      type_ - the type
      See Also:
    • getUpdatedTimestamp

      public Timestamp getUpdatedTimestamp()
      Gets the date and time that the content was last updated.
      the date and time that the content was last updated
      See Also:
    • setUpdatedTimestamp

      public void setUpdatedTimestamp(Timestamp updatedTimestamp_)
      Sets the date and time that the content was last updated. This field can be updated in the database. It will be automatically updated to current time in an update if not set or not modified manually.
      updatedTimestamp_ - the date and time that the content was last updated.
      See Also:
    • getUsersPendingAccess

      public String[] getUsersPendingAccess()
      Gets the list of usernames of users that are pending access (used for non-public content). This is only populated from ContentService.getRequests().
      the array of usernames
      See Also:
    • setUsersPendingAccess

      public void setUsersPendingAccess(String[] usersPendingAccess_)
      Sets the list of usernames of users that are pending access (used for non-public content). This field cannot be updated in the database.
      usersPendingAccess_ - the array of usernames
      See Also:
    • getVersionId

      public Integer getVersionId()
      Gets the ID of the content version. The current version of content has an ID of -1. Previous versions of content have IDs starting with 1 for the oldest and incrementing by 1. Non-versioned content will have a null version ID.
      the ID of the content version
      See Also:
    • setVersionId

      public void setVersionId(Integer versionId_)
      Sets the ID of the content version. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      versionId_ - the ID of the content version
      See Also:
    • getLatestVersionId

      public Integer getLatestVersionId()
      Snapshot of the Content's latest version ID.
      the latest version ID of the Content
      See Also:
    • setLatestVersionId

      public void setLatestVersionId(Integer latestVersionId_)
      Sets the latest version ID of the Content. This field cannot be updated in the database.
      lastestVersionId_ - the latest version ID of the Content
      See Also:
    • getVersions

      @Deprecated public Long[] getVersions()
      Returns null. Before deprecation, got the content IDs of all of the versions of this content. The full Content beans for the versions can be obtained by calling ContentService.getContentList(Long[], Integer). However, if there exists only 1 version of the document then the only entry that exists in the returned versions list is -1L.
      the version IDs
      See Also:
    • setVersions

      @Deprecated public void setVersions(Long[] versions_)
      this field cannot be updated in the database.
      This field cannot be updated in the database. Set by ContentService.createVersion(Content[], Integer).
      versions_ - the version IDs
      See Also:
    • getOriginalContentId

      public Long getOriginalContentId()
      Gets the content ID of the original version of this content.
      • If there is no version or only 1 version of the content, the ID of the content is returned.
      • If more than 1 version of the content exists, the ID corresponding to the last element (i.e. the first/original version) from the list of versions is returned.
      The content ID corresponding to the original version.
      See Also:
    • setOriginalContentId

      public void setOriginalContentId(Long id)
      Sets the content ID of the original version of this content. This method is called by the system when retrieving a Content object.
      id -
      See Also:
    • getCurrentContentId

      public Long getCurrentContentId()
      Gets the content ID of the current (aka latest) version of this content.
      • If there is no version or only 1 version of the content, the ID of the content is returned.
      • If more than 1 version of the content exists, the ID corresponding to the first element (i.e. the current/latest version) from the list of versions is returned.
      The content ID corresponding to the current version.
      See Also:
    • setCurrentContentId

      public void setCurrentContentId(Long id)
      Sets the content ID of the current (aka latest) version of this content. This method is called by the system when retrieving a Content object.
      id -
      See Also:
    • getVisibility

      public Integer getVisibility()
      Gets the visibility, which indicates which parts of the application can see the content. Different visibility modifiers can be combined by using the bitwise or operator. For instance, a visibility of ContentConstants.VIS_HIERARCHY | ContentConstants.VIS_SEARCHABLE would indicate that the content would appear in the hierarchy and would be searchable.
      the visibility modifiers
      See Also:
    • setVisibility

      public void setVisibility(Integer visibility_)
      Sets the visibility, which indicates which parts of the application can see the content. Different visibility indicators can be combined by using the bitwise or operator. For instance, a visibility of ContentConstants.VIS_HIERARCHY | ContentConstants.VIS_SEARCHABLE would indicate that the content would appear in the hierarchy and would be searchable. This field can be updated in the database.
      visibility_ - the visibility modifiers
      See Also:
    • setVisibility

      public void setVisibility(int visibility_)
      Sets the visibility. This method calls setVisibility(Integer).
      visibility_ - the visibility
      See Also:
    • addVisibility

      public void addVisibility(Integer visibility_)
      Adds visibility. This method calls addVisibility(int).
      visibility_ - the visibility to add
    • addVisibility

      public void addVisibility(int visibility_)
      Adds visibility by bitwise orring it with the current visibility.
      visibility_ - the visibility to add
    • removeVisibility

      public void removeVisibility(Integer visibility_)
      Removes visibility. This method calls removeVisibility(int).
      visibility_ - the visibility to remove
    • removeVisibility

      public void removeVisibility(int visibility_)
      Removes visibility by unsetting in the security any bits in the security parameter that were previously set.
      visibility_ - the visibility to remove
      See Also:
    • visibilityContains

      public boolean visibilityContains(Integer visibility_)
      Check whether the current visibility contains the visibility passed in. This method calls visibilityContains(int).
      visibility_ - the visibility to check for
      true if the current visibility contains the parameter, false otherwise
    • visibilityContains

      public boolean visibilityContains(int visibility_)
      Check whether the current visibility contains the visibility passed in. This returns true if there is ANY bit overlap, i.e., if any of the visibility modifiers in the current visibility match up with any of the modifiers in the visibility passed in. For instance, if the current visibility is ContentConstants.VIS_HIERARCHY and ContentConstants.VIS_SEARCHABLE, and the visibility to check for is ContentConstants.VIS_SEARCHABLE and ContentConstants.VIS_QUOTA, this method returns true.
      visibility_ - the visibility to check for
      true if the current visibility contains the parameter, false otherwise
    • getPartition

      public Integer getPartition()
      Gets the ID of the partition. A partition allows distribution of resources so they need not all occupy the same system resources. In particular, this is available so files on the filesystem may be distributed among multiple OS partitions or directories. This value cannot be negative. This API is not supported for Appian Cloud environments
      the partition ID
      See Also:
    • setPartition

      public void setPartition(Integer partition_)
      Sets the ID of the partition. A partition allows distribution of resources so they need not all occupy the same system resources. In particular, this is available so files on the filesystem may be distributed among multiple OS partitions or directories. This value cannot be negative. This field can be updated in the database. This API is not supported for Appian Cloud environments
      partition_ - the partition ID
      See Also:
    • getPartitionName

      public String getPartitionName()
      Gets the name of the partition. A partition allows distribution of resources so they need not all occupy the same system resources. In particular, this is available so files on the filesystem may be distributed among multiple OS partitions or directories. This API is not supported for Appian Cloud environments
      the name of the partition
      See Also:
    • setPartitionName

      public void setPartitionName(String partitionName_)
      Sets the name of the partition. A partition allows distribution of resources so they need not all occupy the same system resources. In particular, this is available so files on the filesystem may be distributed among multiple OS partitions or directories. This field cannot be updated in the database. This API is not supported for Appian Cloud environments
      partitionName_ - the name of the partition
      See Also:
    • getRoleSet

      public ContentRoleSet getRoleSet()
      Gets the role set. This is not automatically populated when you get content from the ContentService. However, you can have the content service populate this field by calling ContentService.populateRoleSets(Content[]).
      the role set
      See Also:
    • setRoleSet

      public void setRoleSet(ContentRoleSet roleSet_)
      Sets the role set.
      roleSet_ - the role set
      See Also:
    • getTypesOfChildren

      public Integer getTypesOfChildren()
      Gets the typemask for the types of children that exist for this content (note: this only applies to containers). This is not automatically populated when you get content from the ContentService. However, you can have the content service populate this field by calling ContentService.populateTypesOfChildren(Content[]).
      a typemask for the types of children
      See Also:
    • setTypesOfChildren

      public void setTypesOfChildren(Integer typesOfChildren_)
      Sets the typemask for the types of children that exist for this content (note: this only applies to containers).
      typesOfChildren_ - the typemask for the types of children
      See Also:
    • getFavorite

      public Boolean getFavorite()
      Gets whether this is favorite. This is not automatically populated when you get content from the ContentService. However, you can have the content service populate this field by calling ContentService.populateFavorites(Content[]).
      whether this is a favorite
      See Also:
    • setFavorite

      public void setFavorite(Boolean favorite_)
      Sets whether this is a favorite.
      favorite_ - whether this is a favorite
      See Also:
    • hasChildrenOfType

      public boolean hasChildrenOfType(int typeMask_)
      Checks whether this content has children of a particular type or any of the types in the given type mask. You must populate the types of children first by calling ContentService.populateTypesOfChildren(Content[]).
      typeMask_ - the type mask to check
      whether the content has the children
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Creates a string representation of the content (does not contain all fields).
      toString in class Identity
      the string
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
      Gets the display name of the object. This value is used in the interfaces that display the content. This should be overridden if you want the display name to be different from the name. It has already been overridden for Document.
      the display name
    • getNumberOfVersions

      public Long getNumberOfVersions()
      Gets the number of versions of the content that currently exist, excluding the current version. For instance, if there are two previous versions in addition to the current version, this will return 2.
      the number of versions
      See Also:
    • setNumberOfVersions

      public void setNumberOfVersions(Long numberOfVersions_)
      Gets the number of versions of the content that currently exist, excluding the current version. For instance, if there are two previous versions in addition to the current version, this will return 2. This field cannot be updated in the database. Set by ContentService.createVersion(Content[], Integer).
      numberOfVersions_ - the number of versions
      See Also:
    • fillInAppianTypes

      public void fillInAppianTypes(AppianTypeCache cache_)
      Adds the primary keys of any Appian-typed objects that are used by the mapping of this node to the given cache.
      Specified by:
      fillInAppianTypes in interface AppianTypeHolder
      cache_ - the cache that will hold the values
    • getLockedByUsername

      public String getLockedByUsername()
      Gets the username of the user that has locked the content, or blank if the content is not locked.
      the username
    • setLockedByUsername

      public void setLockedByUsername(String lockedByUsername)
      Sets the username of the user that has locked the content. This field cannot be updated in the database. Set by ContentService.lock(Long[]), ContentService.unlock(Long[]), and ContentService.breakLock(Long[]). If the content is not locked, this is set to blank.
      lockedByUsername - the username