Interface VariableReference

All Known Subinterfaces:
Parameter<C>, VariableReferenceOnModel

public interface VariableReference
This is a reference to a variable. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this interface.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Process Model Property Namespace constant Process Model Properties are created by EPEx.
    static final String
    Process Property Namespace constant Process Properties are created by EPEx.
    static final String
    Process Variable Namespace constant Process Variables are created by the designer of the model.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The Namespace is a namespace for this VariableReference.
    default String
    Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
    <C> Optional<C>
    getType(DataTypeStrategy<C> dataTypeStrategy)
    If a VariableReference has a declared datatype, return it in the form as given by the dataTypeStrategy (available from EPEx).
    The Key is the main name for this VariableReference.
  • Field Details

    • PV

      static final String PV
      Process Variable Namespace constant Process Variables are created by the designer of the model. This should be case-insensitive for comparison. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this constant.
    • PP

      static final String PP
      Process Property Namespace constant Process Properties are created by EPEx. This should be case-insensitive for comparison. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this constant.
    • PM

      static final String PM
      Process Model Property Namespace constant Process Model Properties are created by EPEx. This should be case-insensitive for comparison. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this constant.
  • Method Details

    • getNamespace

      String getNamespace()
      The Namespace is a namespace for this VariableReference. This allows a process variable to have the same name key as a process property, or a process property and a task property to have the same name key. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      namespace (e.g., PV, PP, TP)
    • getVariableName

      String getVariableName()
      The Key is the main name for this VariableReference. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      variable name
    • getType

      <C> Optional<C> getType(DataTypeStrategy<C> dataTypeStrategy)
      If a VariableReference has a declared datatype, return it in the form as given by the dataTypeStrategy (available from EPEx). Not all VariableReference will have a declared datatype. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      Type Parameters:
      C -
      dataTypeStrategy -
    • getNamespaceAndName

      default String getNamespaceAndName()
      Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      namespace!name if namespace set, otherwise name