Interface DataTypeStrategy<C>

Type Parameters:
C - the output type of onGet

public interface DataTypeStrategy<C>
Service Provider Interface: this is not intended for external implementation See DataTypeStrategies for available implementers of this interface. DataTypeStrategy provides a strategy for conversion of data types between internal and external forms. Use one of the constants provided in EPEx. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    onGet(Object sourceType)
    Convert the sourceType using this DataTypeStrategy into an instance of class C.
    onPut(C sourceType)
    Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
  • Method Details

    • onGet

      C onGet(Object sourceType)
      Convert the sourceType using this DataTypeStrategy into an instance of class C. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      sourceType - must be of a class that this DataTypeStrategy implementation expects.
      representing sourceType as an instance of class C.
    • onPut

      Object onPut(C sourceType)
      Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      sourceType - representing sourceType as an instance of class C.
      must be of a class that this DataTypeStrategy implementation expects.