Interface ProcessInstance

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ProcessInstance extends ProcessReference
ProcessInstance This represents an EPEx process instance. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this interface.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <C> C
    getData(VariableReference variableReference, DataStrategy<C> dataStrategy)
    Get the value of this VariableReference, according to the given DataStrategy.
    Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.

    Methods inherited from interface com.appiancorp.suiteapi.epex.process.ProcessReference

  • Method Details

    • getProcessState

      ProcessState getProcessState()
      Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      the process's current (live) state (typically starting from REQUESTED through DELETED)
    • getModel

      Model getModel()
      the process's Model, which will have information relevant to all process instances of this Model, e.g., the available VariableReferences. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
    • getData

      <C> C getData(VariableReference variableReference, DataStrategy<C> dataStrategy)
      Get the value of this VariableReference, according to the given DataStrategy. NOTE: This is the live result stored in persistent storage, which may not yet reflect cached data in the running process. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      Type Parameters:
      C -
      variableReference -
      dataStrategy - see constants in EPEx.