Package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.content

package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.content

Provides access and modification functionality for content, which replaces collaboration and is more extensible (for instance, content is now also being used for rules).

The most important classes are Content and its sub-classes, which represent different kinds of content, and ContentService, which allows you to interact with the content.

  • Class
    This bean contains information about an approved action.
    This is the abstract class used to represent Content objects that may contain other Content objects.
    Represents an item of content.
    This class provides methods accessible through JSON, which are relevant to Content objects.
    Provides utility methods for creating content objects based on the type identifiers.
    Contains constants for use with Content.
    Filters may be applied to Content Service operations in order to filter the final results by the criteria listed here.
    This represents a Key and Value of a Content Attribute.
    since 23.2.
    Holds the data for an individual role within a Content object's role map.
    This class represents the access permissions for an element in the collaboration center.
    This class represents the access permissions for a Content item.
    This interface provides access to the Content service (formerly the Collaboration service).
    This interface provides access to the Content Statistics service.
    Represents a reference to a copied Content item.
    Represents an instruction for the source of a Content copy.
    Custom Content object.
    Represents an input stream for a Document object.
    Represents an output stream for a Document object.
    Represents a folder in any application.
    A simple POJO for holding a particular metric.
    Holds information on which content is pending access for making it a favorite.
    This class returns information about which users/groups were approved/rejected when modifying the roleMap for a content item.
    This class stores a count and is extended by classes used in the ContentStatisticsService.
    This bean tracks the count for a day of the week.
    This bean tracks the count for an extension.
    This bean tracks the count for a an hour of the day.
    This bean tracks the count for a Content type.
    This class is used for statistics on users in the AE system.