Class Option


public class Option extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Option

      public Option(char shortOption, String longOption, boolean required, String description, Option.Arguments arguments, String argumentName, Option.Execute execute)
      Construct an Option, to be returned by a Driver.
      shortOption - The single character Option.
      longOption - The long name Option.
      required - If the option MUST be passed.
      description - Description of the Option for help.
      arguments - Set to one of the Arguments enumeration to determine if this Option has a parameter.
      argumentName - The name of the argument to the Option if it has one, otherwise must be null.
      execute - This callback will be executed when the option is passed. Typically this will be used to set a field in the Driver, possibly with validation.
  • Method Details

    • getStandardOptions

      public static List<Option> getStandardOptions(String program, PrintStream out)
      Return the standard options such as 'options' and 'help'.
      program -
      out -
    • execute

      public static List<String> execute(String program, String[] args, List<Option> options, PrintStream out) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Construct a list of Options, then invoke Option.execute("myprogram",args,options). It will return all unparsed options. (If you don't want any, just error on their existance.) The help option should be new Option.Help() for its execute to get automatic help.
      program - The program name, used in help.
      args - Program arguments, typically from main(String args[])
      options - List of options to execute
      out - Typically System.out, but if null will prevent prompting for required parameters, instead throwing an exception.