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a!queryEntity_18r3() Function

This page contains information related to an old version of the a!queryEntity() Function.

To take advantage of the latest features and improvements, we always recommend you use the latest version whenever possible. See the latest version's page for information about what's been changed.


a!queryEntity_18r3( entity, query )

Executes a query on a given data store entity and returns the result.


Keyword Type Description


Data Store Entity

The Data Store Entity to query.



The query definition of the report including grouping, aggregation, filtering, paging, and sorting configurations, created with a!query().



Usage considerations

The DataSubset returned by this function is used to generate report grids or graphs based on record data.

The entity value should be given as a constant of type Data Store Entity. The query value must be entered using the a!query() system function.

The logicalExpression|filter|search field of the query object can only be set to a LogicalExpression or a QueryFilter type. Search types are not supported.

The expression will fail to evaluate and an error will occur if the entity reference is not provided, invalid, or null, the user does not have permission to view the entity, the query value is not provided, invalid, incomplete, or an inconsistent query object.

This function allows a Query object with an array of SortInfo data type.

If called multiple times in the same expression with the same parameters, only one query is made to the data store when the expression is evaluated and the result is reused for each identical call. This caching only applies within a single expression evaluation. Return values are not cached in separate expressions, or in separate evaluations of the same expression.

See Also

Data Store Entity: data store entities are named, typed storage units within a data store.

query: the query data type defines the grouping, aggregation, filtering, paging, and sorting configuration to be applied when querying data.

a!query(): A System Function that returns a Query object.

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this function's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Partially compatible

Can be used with Appian Portals if it is connected using an integration and web API.

Offline Mobile Compatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible

Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions.

Process Reports Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process report.

Process Events Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event.

a!queryEntity_18r3() Function