Class TypedValueListViewDataSubset

@GwtCompatible public class TypedValueListViewDataSubset extends ListViewDataSubset<TypedValue>

This class is available as a preview of functionality that will be added to the supported public API in a future release. While it is in the preview phase, it is subject to change or removal without deprecation or notice. Although notice of change is not guaranteed, we will try to let developers know of major changes through announcements in release notes.

A ListViewDataSubset where the result identifiers are TypedValue objects.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TypedValueListViewDataSubset

      public TypedValueListViewDataSubset(PagingInfo pagingInfo, int totalCount, List<ListViewItem> data, List<TypedValue> ids, List<AppianError> errors)
      The identifiers in a TypedValueListViewDataSubset will be TypedValue objects.
      pagingInfo - the PagingInfo used to specific the start and size of the view
      totalCount - the total number of results available
      data - the list of results
      ids - the underlying data source identifiers
      errors - errors that were collected while building this DataSubset
    • TypedValueListViewDataSubset

      public TypedValueListViewDataSubset(int startIndex, int batchSize, List<SortInfo> sort, int totalCount, List<ListViewItem> data, List<TypedValue> ids, List<AppianError> errors)
      Constructs a TypedValueListViewDataSubset using the given start index, batch size, list of sort information, the total number of results, the list of results, the underlying data source identifiers, and any errors that were collected while building this DataSubset.
      startIndex - the beginning of the view
      batchSize - the request number of results
      sort - a list of SortInfo
      totalCount - the total number of results available
      data - the list of results
      ids - the underlying data source identifiers
      errors - errors that were collected while building this DataSubset
  • Method Details