Interface DiscussionMetadataConvenienceService

All Superinterfaces:, Service

@Deprecated public interface DiscussionMetadataConvenienceService extends
The Discussion Forums functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the News feed and related smart services to build applications with similar functionality.
Defines the convenience methods available from the discussion forum server.

Methods of service classes can all throw the unchecked exception ServiceException if any system-level error (for example, server failure) occurs, and will in general throw a checked exception (InvalidXXXException) when an entity to be retrieved is inaccessible, instead of returning null. Exceptions to this paradigm (including the use of ResultList as described below) are noted. All checked exceptions extend AppianException.

It may be necessary to retrieve a subset of results as opposed to an entire collection, and also to sort the subset by some property of the returned object. "Paging" methods which return a ResultPage are provided in certain instances for this purpose. The ResultPage will contain the sorted subset of results (via Result.getResults()), and the total number of items in the available result set (via ResultPage.getAvailableItems()).

It may also be necessary to retrieve some results, even if all results cannot be retrieved (for instance, some of the entities corresponding to a list of entity IDs may no longer exist). Methods which return a ResultList are provided for this purpose. The Result.getResults() method in this case will return all results which can be retrieved. In addition, there will be a list of result codes (ResultList.getResultCodes()) that represent the successful retrieval of an entity, or, if the entity could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      A constant sort property for ThreadSummary

      A constant sort property for ThreadSummary

      A constant sort property for ThreadSummary
    • getForumSummary$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumSummary$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumSummaries$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumSummaries$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummary$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummary$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummaries$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummaries$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSponsoredThreadSummaries$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSponsoredThreadSummaries$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadedMessages$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadedMessages$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadedMessagesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadedMessagesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedForumSummaries$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedForumSummaries$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedThreadSummaries$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedThreadSummaries$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummariesForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummariesForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummariesForForumPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummariesForForumPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getForumSummary

      Get the summary for a forum.
      id_ - The local id of the forum to be summarized.
      A ForumSummary object relating to the given id.
      InvalidForumException - if the forum is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumSummaries

      @Deprecated ForumSummary[] getForumSummaries(Long[] ids_) throws InvalidForumException
      use getForumSummariesPaging instead
      Get the summaries that the current user can access for a set of forums.
      ids_ - The local ids of the forums to be summarized.
      An array of ForumSummary objects in the same order as the incoming ids. Forums which the user does not have access to will simply not be returned with the results.
      InvalidForumException - if any of the forums is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getForumSummariesPaging(Long[] ids_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Get the summaries that the current user can access for a set of forums
      ids_ - The local ids of the forums to be summarized.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_FORUM_XXX constants in ForumSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of the ForumSummary objects for forums in the same order as the incoming ids.
      InvalidForumException - if any of the forums is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummary

      ThreadSummary getThreadSummary(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      Get the summary for a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread.
      A ThreadSummary object corresponding to the given thread id.
      InvalidThreadException - if the thread does not exist
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ThreadRoleMap for the given thread.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummaries

      @Deprecated ThreadSummary[] getThreadSummaries(Long[] threadIds_) throws InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      use getThreadSummariesPaging instead
      Get the summaries for threads.
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads.
      An array of ThreadSummary objects in the order of the given thread ids.
      InvalidThreadException - if any of the threads does not exist
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ThreadRoleMap for any of the given threads.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getThreadSummariesPaging(Long[] threadIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      Get the summaries for threads.
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadSummary objects representing the thread summaries for threadIds_
      InvalidThreadException - if any of the threads does not exist
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ThreadRoleMap for any of the given threads.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummaries

      @Deprecated ThreadSummary[] getSponsoredThreadSummaries(Long forumId_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      use getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging instead
      Get a set of summaries for the sponsored threads in a forum.
      forumId_ - The local id of the forum containing the sponsored threads.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      An array of ThreadSummary objects corresponding to the sponsored threads within the given forum
      InvalidForumException - if the forum is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Get a set of summaries for the sponsored threads in a forum.
      forumId_ - The local id of the forum containing the sponsored threads.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadSummary objects for each sponsored thread within the given forum.
      InvalidForumException - if the forum is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummaries

      @Deprecated ThreadSummary[] getSponsoredThreadSummaries(Long[] forumIds_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      use getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging instead
      Get a set of summaries for the sponsored threads in a set of forums.
      forumIds_ - The local ids of the forums containing the sponsored threads.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      An array of ThreadSummary objects corresponding to the sponsored sponsored threads within the given forums
      InvalidForumException - if any of the forums is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for any of the given forums.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging(Long[] forumIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Get a set of summaries for the sponsored threads in a set of forums.
      forumIds_ - The local ids of the forums containing the sponsored threads.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadSummary objects for each sponsored thread within the given forums.
      InvalidForumException - if any of the forums is invalid
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for any of the given forums.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadedMessages

      @Deprecated ThreadedMessage[] getThreadedMessages(Long forumId_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int count_) throws InvalidForumException
      use getThreadedMessagesPaging instead
      Get messages that the current user can access for a forum
      forumId_ - The id of the forum containing the messages.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants in ThreadedMessage
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      count_ - Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      The array of ThreadedMessage objects. A zero-length array if there are no messages.
      InvalidForumException - if the forum is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadedMessagesPaging

      ResultPage getThreadedMessagesPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get messages that the current user can access for a forum.
      forumId_ - The id of the forum containing the messages.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_BY__XXX constants in ThreadedMessage
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadedMessage objects representing the messages in the forum
      InvalidForumException - if the forum is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedForumSummaries

      @Deprecated ForumSummary[] getSubscribedForumSummaries(Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_)
      use getSubscribedForumSummariesPaging instead
      Gets the forums to which the user is subscribed.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_FORUM_XXX constants in ForumSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      An array of ForumSummary objects corresponding to the forums to which the user is subscribed.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedForumSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSubscribedForumSummariesPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Gets the forums to which the user is subscribed as ResultPage.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_FORUM_XXX constants in ForumSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing a list of the ForumSummary objects representing the forums to which the user is subscribed.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedThreadSummaries

      @Deprecated ThreadSummary[] getSubscribedThreadSummaries(Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_)
      use getSubscribedThreadSummariesPaging instead
      Gets the threads to which the user is subscribed.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      an array of ThreadSummary corresponding to the threads to which the user is subscribed.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSubscribedThreadSummariesPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Gets the summaries of threads to which the user is subscribed as ResultPages.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadSummary objects representing the threads to which the user is subscribed
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummariesForForum

      @Deprecated ThreadSummary[] getThreadSummariesForForum(Long forumId_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      use getThreadSummariesForForumPaging instead
      Gets the summaries of threads in the forum.
      forumId_ - The forum id.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      an array of ThreadSummary objects containing the summaries of threads in the given forum.
      InvalidForumException - if the forum does not exist
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummariesForForumPaging

      ResultPage getThreadSummariesForForumPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Gets the summaries of threads in the forum as ResultPage.
      forumId_ - The forum id.
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - the number of results to return. use of Constants.COUNT_ALL will result in the entire collection being returned, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted This is one of the SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_SUMMARY_XXX constants in ThreadSummary
      sortOrder_ - Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING for sorting results in ascending order, Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING for sorting results in descending order
      a ResultPage containing the list of ThreadSummary objects representing the thread summaries for the forum
      InvalidForumException - if the forum does not exist
      PrivilegeException - If the user is not contained in the list of participants within ForumsRoleMap for the given forum.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs