Interface DiscussionMetadataCoreService

All Superinterfaces:, Service

@Deprecated public interface DiscussionMetadataCoreService extends
The Discussion Forums functionality will be removed in a future release. Use the News feed and related smart services to build applications with similar functionality.
Defines the core methods for managing discussion forums. Forums contain topics (aka threads) which contain messages. Messages can have child messages, which are the replies to the message. A forum can be related to a LocalObject, such as a Document or Knowledge Center. Forums can be public or private. Anyone can view and post to a public forum, whereas only selected users can view and post to a private forum (as specified in the actors role map).

A user can subscribe to a topic/thread, in which case he/she will receive a notification whenever a new message is posted to the thread. If the user subscribes to a forum, he/she will receive a notification whenever a new message is posted to any of the topics in the forum.

Individual topics can be sponsored, which provides a way of flagging more important topics. Topics can then be retrieved or sorted based on the sponsored flag. Sponsoring is not connected to the user who marks the topic as sponsored (the topic is simply marked as "sponsored").

Individual messages can be rated by users.

Security for discussion forums is managed through the ForumsRoleMap class.

NOTE: This service only deals with discussion forums metadata, it does not write any content to disk. The DiscussionBodyService should be used to save content.

Methods of service classes can all throw the unchecked exception ServiceException if any system-level error (for example, server failure) occurs, and will in general throw a checked exception (InvalidXXXException) when an entity to be retrieved is inaccessible, instead of returning null. Exceptions to this paradigm (including the use of ResultList as described below) are noted. All checked exceptions extend AppianException.

It may be necessary to retrieve a subset of results as opposed to an entire collection, and also to sort the subset by some property of the returned object. "Paging" methods which return a ResultPage are provided in certain instances for this purpose. The ResultPage will contain the sorted subset of results (via Result.getResults()), and the total number of items in the available result set (via ResultPage.getAvailableItems()).

It may also be necessary to retrieve some results, even if all results cannot be retrieved (for instance, some of the entities corresponding to a list of entity IDs may no longer exist). Methods which return a ResultList are provided for this purpose. The Result.getResults() method in this case will return all results which can be retrieved. In addition, there will be a list of result codes (ResultList.getResultCodes()) that represent the successful retrieval of an entity, or, if the entity could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final int MESSAGE_PERMISSION_INVALID
      Indicates that no permissions can be obtained for the message because the specified message was null or does not exist
      See Also:

      Indicates that the user is not allowed to view the message
      See Also:

      static final int MESSAGE_PERMISSION_CAN_VIEW
      Indicates that the user is allowed to view the message
      See Also:

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_CREATE_THREAD
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can create threads in the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_UPDATE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can update the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_DELETE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can delete the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_VIEW
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can view the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_SUBSCRIBE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can subscribe to the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_UNSUBSCRIBE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can unsubscribe from the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_SPONSOR_THREAD
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can sponsor a thread in the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_FORUM_UNSPONSOR_THREAD
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Forum bean that indicates whether the user can unsponsor a thread in the forum

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_CREATE_MESSAGE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can create a message in the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_UPDATE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can update the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_DELETE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can delete the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_MOVE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can move the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_VIEW
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can view the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_ADD_RESOURCE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can add a resource to the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_REMOVE_RESOURCE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can remove a resource from the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_SUBSCRIBE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can subscribe to the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can unsubscribe from the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_SPONSOR
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can sponsor the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_UNSPONSOR
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can unsponsor the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_THREAD_INVITE_OTHER_USERS
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the ThreadSummary bean that indicates whether the user can invite other users to the thread

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_UPDATE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can update the message

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_DELETE
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can delete the message

      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can delete the message and its descendents

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_ADD_RATING
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can add a rating to the message

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_SET_RATING
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can set the rating of the message

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_VIEW
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can view the message

      static final Integer ACTION_MESSAGE_VIEW_ANONYMOUS
      The index of the element in the allowedActions field of the Message bean that indicates whether the user can anonymously view the message
    • createForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean createForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setAdministratorGroup$UPDATES

      static final boolean setAdministratorGroup$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateForums$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateForums$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForums$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForums$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumIdsByRelated$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumIdsByRelated$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreads$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreads$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadsForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadsForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadsForForumPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadsForForumPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • moveThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean moveThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addThreadResource$UPDATES

      static final boolean addThreadResource$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addThreadResources$UPDATES

      static final boolean addThreadResources$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • removeThreadResource$UPDATES

      static final boolean removeThreadResource$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • removeThreadResources$UPDATES

      static final boolean removeThreadResources$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeToThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeToThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeUsersToThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeUsersToThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsubscribeFromThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsubscribeFromThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • isSubscribedToThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean isSubscribedToThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribersForThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribersForThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • sponsor$UPDATES

      static final boolean sponsor$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsponsor$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsponsor$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • sponsorForMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean sponsorForMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsponsorForMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsponsorForMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • createMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean createMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateMessages$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateMessages$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessages$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessages$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessagesForThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessagesForThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addRating$UPDATES

      static final boolean addRating$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setRating$UPDATES

      static final boolean setRating$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteMessageAndDescendants$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteMessageAndDescendants$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • deleteMessage$UPDATES

      static final boolean deleteMessage$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setRoleMapForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean setRoleMapForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getRoleMapForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getRoleMapForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getRoleMapForThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean getRoleMapForThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • activateUserSession$UPDATES

      static final boolean activateUserSession$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getUsersToNotify$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUsersToNotify$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getUsersToNotifyForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getUsersToNotifyForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • isSubscribedToForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean isSubscribedToForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • subscribeToForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean subscribeToForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • unsubscribeFromForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean unsubscribeFromForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • enableForumAnonymousPosting$UPDATES

      static final boolean enableForumAnonymousPosting$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • disableForumAnonymousPosting$UPDATES

      static final boolean disableForumAnonymousPosting$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setForumPublic$UPDATES

      static final boolean setForumPublic$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setForumPrivate$UPDATES

      static final boolean setForumPrivate$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • findForumsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean findForumsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAllForumsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAllForumsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAllForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAllForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessagesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessagesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumIdsByRelatedPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumIdsByRelatedPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessagesForThreadPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessagesForThreadPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getValidForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getValidForumSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadedMessagesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadedMessagesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadSummariesForForumPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadSummariesForForumPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • addActorsToRolesInForums$UPDATES

      static final boolean addActorsToRolesInForums$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • allowedAnonymousPosting$UPDATES

      static final boolean allowedAnonymousPosting$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getAllDeletedMessagesPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getAllDeletedMessagesPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getPermissionsForMessageIdsForSessionUser$UPDATES

      static final boolean getPermissionsForMessageIdsForSessionUser$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getPermissionsForMessageIdsForUser$UPDATES

      static final boolean getPermissionsForMessageIdsForUser$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribersForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribersForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • isForumPublic$UPDATES

      static final boolean isForumPublic$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyUserCreation$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyUserCreation$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • notifyUsersCreation$UPDATES

      static final boolean notifyUsersCreation$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedThreadsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedThreadsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getSubscribedForumsPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getSubscribedForumsPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getChildrenForMessagePaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getChildrenForMessagePaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getApplicationName$UPDATES

      static final boolean getApplicationName$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getApplicationPermissions$UPDATES

      static final boolean getApplicationPermissions$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getWorkspace$UPDATES

      static final boolean getWorkspace$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • createMessages$UPDATES

      static final boolean createMessages$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • createForums$UPDATES

      static final boolean createForums$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • importMessages$UPDATES

      static final boolean importMessages$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getThreadsList$UPDATES

      static final boolean getThreadsList$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getForumsList$UPDATES

      static final boolean getForumsList$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessagesList$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessagesList$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • validateGroupMembership$UPDATES

      static final boolean validateGroupMembership$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • updateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean updateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • commitUpdateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean commitUpdateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • rollbackUpdateUsernames$UPDATES

      static final boolean rollbackUpdateUsernames$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • inviteUsersToThread$UPDATES

      static final boolean inviteUsersToThread$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • acceptThreadInvitation$UPDATES

      static final boolean acceptThreadInvitation$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • denyThreadInvitation$UPDATES

      static final boolean denyThreadInvitation$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • isInvitedToThreads$UPDATES

      static final boolean isInvitedToThreads$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • changePartitionPaths$UPDATES

      static final boolean changePartitionPaths$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • reloadProperties$UPDATES

      static final boolean reloadProperties$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • validate$UPDATES

      static final boolean validate$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • validateTypedValues$UPDATES

      static final boolean validateTypedValues$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setTimeZone$UPDATES

      static final boolean setTimeZone$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • setTimeZoneSameAs$UPDATES

      static final boolean setTimeZoneSameAs$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessageCountByUsers$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessageCountByUsers$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessageCountByUsersForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessageCountByUsersForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getTopUsersForForum$UPDATES

      static final boolean getTopUsersForForum$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getTopUsersForSite$UPDATES

      static final boolean getTopUsersForSite$UPDATES
      See Also:
    • getMessagesByUserPaging$UPDATES

      static final boolean getMessagesByUserPaging$UPDATES
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createForum

      Create a discussion forum.
      f_ - The forum to be created. The following fields of the passed object must be set: name, creator and dateCreated. The value of the id field is ignored (can be null), since it will be assigned by the server.
      The server-assigned forum id (local id).
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to create a forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, READER, and USER roles in ForumsRoleMap may create forums.
      DuplicateUuidException - if the UUID of the forum already exists
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setAdministratorGroup

      void setAdministratorGroup(Long groupId_) throws NullPointerException
      Sets the group to which a user must belong to be a forums administrator. A forums administrator has additional privileges providing access to restricted functionality, such as viewing the deleted messages, etc.
      groupId_ - The id of the group to be set as the forums administrator group.
      NullPointerException - if groupId_ is null
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateForum

      void updateForum(Forum f_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Update the properties of a discussion forum. The fields id and remoteId are not changed.
      f_ - The Forum object whose properties should be used to update the existing forum. The id field of the passed object should be set to the id of the forum to update. The existing forum's properties are overwritten with the corresponding values contained in the passed object.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to update the forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may update forums.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateForums

      void updateForums(Forum[] forums_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Update the properties of multiple discussion forums. The fields id and remoteId are not changed.
      forums_ - An array of Forum objects containing the properties that should be used to update the corresponding exisitng forums. The id field of each object should be set to the id of the forum to update. Each existing forum's properties are overwritten with the corresponding values contained in the passed object.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to update at least one of the forums. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may update forums.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the forum ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • deleteForum

      void deleteForum(Long forumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Delete a forum (and all of its threads).
      forumId_ - The local id of the forum to be deleted (ie the id field of a Forum object).
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to delete the forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may delete forums.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForum

      Get a forum.
      id_ - The local id of the forum to be retrieved (ie the id field of a Forum object).
      The desired forum.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view this forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view forums.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForums

      Get multiple forums.
      ids_ - The local ids of the forums to be returned.
      The desired forums.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any one of the forums. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view forums.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the forum ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumIdsByRelated

      @Deprecated Long[] getForumIdsByRelated(LocalObject related_)
      Get the ids of the forums related to a given Appian Type object (an Appian Type is any type that has a corresponding TYPE_XXX constant defined in ObjectTypeMapping).
      related_ - The identifier specifiying the object for which related forums are to be returned.
      The ids of the forums that are related to the passed object.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • deleteThread

      void deleteThread(Long threadId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Delete a thread (and all of its messages).
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to delete.
      PrivilegeException - if the user does not have sufficient privileges to delete the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may delete threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThread

      Get a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to be returned.
      The desired thread.
      PrivilegeException - if the user does not have sufficient privileges to view this thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreads

      Get multiple threads.
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads to be returned.
      The desired threads.
      NullPointerException - if any one of the passed ids is null
      PrivilegeException - if the user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the threads. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if any of the threads is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadsForForum

      @Deprecated DiscussionThread[] getThreadsForForum(Long forumId_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int count_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get a set of threads from a forum.
      forumId_ - The local id of the forum from which to get the threads.
      sortProperty_ - the property by which the results will be sorted. Use a SORT_PROPERTY_THREAD_XXX constant.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the results. This is one of Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      count_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      The desired threads.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadsForForumPaging

      ResultPage getThreadsForForumPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get all the threads in a given forum, paging.
      forumId_ - The id (local id) of the forum from which to get the threads.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in DiscussionThread.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of DiscussionThread objects.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • moveThread

      void moveThread(Long threadId_, Long toForumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException, InvalidForumException
      Move a thread to a different forum.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to move.
      toForumId_ - The id of the forum to which to move the thread.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to move the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may move threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addThreadResource

      void addThreadResource(Long threadId_, Attachment resource_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Add an attachment to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to which to add the attachment.
      resource_ - The resource attachment to add. The attached field of the object must be set. If the same attachment was already added by another user, the attachement will not be readded.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to attach the resource to the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may add resources to threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addThreadResources

      void addThreadResources(Long threadId_, Attachment[] resources_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Add multiple attachments to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to which to add the attachments.
      resources_ - The resource attachments to add. The attached field of each object must be set. If the same attachment was already added by another user, the attachement will not be readded.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to attach any one of the resources. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may add resources to threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • removeThreadResource

      void removeThreadResource(Long threadId_, Attachment resource_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Remove an attachment from a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread from which to remove the attachment.
      resource_ - The resource attachment to remove. The attached field of the object must be set.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to remove the resource from the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may remove resources from threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • removeThreadResources

      void removeThreadResources(Long threadId_, Attachment[] resources_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Remove multiple resources from a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread from which to remove the attachments.
      resources_ - The resource attachments to remove. The attached field of each object must be set.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to remove the resource. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may remove resources from threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeToThread

      void subscribeToThread(Long threadId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Subscribe the current user to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to subscribe to.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to subscribe to the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may subscribe to threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeUsersToThread

      @Deprecated void subscribeUsersToThread(Long threadId_, String[] users_) throws InvalidUserException, InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      the combination of inviteUsersToThread(java.lang.String[], java.lang.Long) and acceptThreadInvitation(java.lang.Long) is more secure, and should be used instead
      Subscribe a set of users to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to subscribe to.
      users_ - The logins (usernames) of the users to subscribe to the thread.
      InvalidUserException - if any of the passed usernames is invalid
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to subscirbe the passed users to the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may remove resources from threads.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsubscribeFromThread

      void unsubscribeFromThread(Long threadId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Unsubscribe the current user from a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to unsubscribe from.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to unsubscribe from the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may unsubscribe from threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • isSubscribedToThread

      boolean isSubscribedToThread(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Determine whether the current user is subscribed to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of a thread.
      true if the current user is subscribed to the passed, thread, and false otherwise
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
    • getSubscribersForThread

      String[] getSubscribersForThread(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Get the usernames of the users subscribed to a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of a thread.
      The usernames of the users subscribed to the thread.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • sponsor

      void sponsor(Long threadId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Sponsor a thread (simply marks the thread as 'sponsored').
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to sponsor.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to sponsor the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may sponsor threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsponsor

      void unsponsor(Long threadId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Unsponsor a thread.
      threadId_ - The id of the thread to unsponsor.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to unsponsor the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may unsponsor threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • sponsorForMessage

      void sponsorForMessage(Long messageId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Sponsor a thread through a thread message (sponsors the thread that contains the message whose id is passed).
      messageId_ - The id of a message in the thread that will be sponsored.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to sponsor the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may sponsor threads.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsponsorForMessage

      void unsponsorForMessage(Long messageId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Unsponsor a thread through a thread message (unsponsors the thread that contains the message whose id is passed).
      messageId_ - The id of a message in the thread to unsponsor.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to unsponsor the thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may unsponsor threads.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • createMessage

      Create a message. NOTE: To physically store the message to disk, this call must be followed by a call to DiscussionBodyService.createMessage(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.forums.Message), using the filename returned by this method.
      forumId_ - The id of the forum in which to create the new message.
      m_ - The Message object from which to create the message. The minimum required fields that must be set in the object are: threadId, parentId, subject, and anonymousAuthor. When creating a new thread, the threadId and parentId fields should be set to 0 or null. The id, remoteId, and filename will be assigned by the server.
      The new message, with the id, remoteId, and filename fields properly populated.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to create the message. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may create messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the parentId of the passed message is invalid
      IllegalArgumentException - if the user attempts to post the message anonymously but the Forum does not accept anonymous posts
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      NullPointerException - if the m_ message is null
    • updateMessage

      Update the properties of a message. The id, remoteId, and filename fields are not changed.
      m_ - The Message object whose properties should be used to update the existing message. The id field of the passed object should be set to the id of the message to update. The existing message's properties are overwritten with the corresponding values contained in the passed object (with the exception of id, remoteId, and filename which are not changed).
      The filename for the body of the message.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to update the message. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may update messages.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the user attempts to post the message anonymously but the Forum does not accept anonymous posts
      InvalidMessageException - if no message exists with the same id as the message passed in
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateMessages

      String[] updateMessages(Message[] m_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Update the properties of multiple messages. The id, remoteId, and filename fields are not changed.
      m_ - An array of Message objects containing the properties that should be used to update the corresponding existing messages. The id field of each passed object should be set to the id of the message to update. Each existing message's properties are overwritten with the corresponding values contained in the passed object (with the exception of id, remoteId, and filename which are not changed).
      An array of filenames for the message bodies.
      PrivilegeException - if the user does not have sufficient privileges to update at least one of the messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may uupdate messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if no message exists with the same id as the message passed in
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessage

      Message getMessage(Long messageId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Get a message.
      messageId_ - The id of the message to be returned.
      The desired message.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view this message. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the message does not exist or has been deleted
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessages

      @Deprecated Message[] getMessages(Long[] messageIds_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Get multiple messages.
      messageIds_ - The ids of the messages to be returned.
      The desired messages.
      NullPointerException - if the passed messageIds array contains a null element
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any one of the messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if any one of the messages does not exist or has been deleted
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessagesForThread

      @Deprecated Message[] getMessagesForThread(Long threadId_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_, int startIndex_, int count_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Get a set of messages in a thread.
      threadId_ - The local id of the thread from which to get the messages.
      sortProperty_ - The column by which to sort. Use a SORT_PROPERTY_MESSAGE constant.
      sortOrder_ - the order in which to sort the results. This is one of Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
      startIndex_ - the index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      count_ - the number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return the entire collection, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      The desired messages.
      InvalidThreadException - of the thread is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addRating

      void addRating(Long messageId_, int rating_) throws InvalidMessageException, PrivilegeException
      Average a new individual rating into the message's overall average rating.
      messageId_ - The id of the message being rated.
      rating_ - The new individual rating.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to add the rating. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may add ratings to messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setRating

      void setRating(Long messageId_, double averageRating_, int ratingCount_) throws InvalidMessageException, PrivilegeException
      Set the average rating for a message.
      messageId_ - The id of a message.
      averageRating_ - The new average rating.
      ratingCount_ - The new number of individual ratings that were used to determine the passed average rating.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to set the rating. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may set ratings of messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the message is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      See Also:
    • deleteMessageAndDescendants

      void deleteMessageAndDescendants(Long messageId_) throws InvalidMessageException, PrivilegeException
      Delete a message and all its descendants.
      messageId_ - The id of a message.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to delete the message. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may delete messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • deleteMessage

      void deleteMessage(Long messageId_) throws InvalidMessageException, PrivilegeException
      Delete a given message (connects any children of the given message to the parent of the message).
      messageId_ - The id of the message to delete.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to delete the message. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may delete messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setRoleMapForForum

      void setRoleMapForForum(Long forumId_, ForumsRoleMap r_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Set the rolemap of a forum. Users and Groups can be either forum participants or administrators.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum
      r_ - The role map to set.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getRoleMapForForum

      ForumsRoleMap getRoleMapForForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get the rolemap of a forum. Users and Groups can be either forum participants or administrators.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      The role map for the given forum.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getRoleMapForThread

      ForumsRoleMap getRoleMapForThread(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Get the rolemap of a thread; currently a thread always inherits the rolemap from its parent forum.
      threadId_ - The id of a thread.
      The role map for the given thread.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • activateUserSession

      @Deprecated boolean[] activateUserSession(Long[] memberGroups_, Long[] adminGroups_, Long userTypeId_) throws InvalidUserException
      Initializes the group permissions for the current user's session. This method should be called every time the group membership role of the current user is changed (eg: from member to admin, etc), or when a new group is created, or when the current user was newly created.
      memberGroups_ - Groups of which the current user is a member.
      adminGroups_ - Groups of which the current user is an admin.
      userTypeId_ - this is one of UserProfile.USER_TYPE_BASIC or UserProfile.USER_TYPE_SYS_ADMIN
      A boolean array of three system permissions. Element [0] of the returned array indicates whether the current user can createForum; element [1] of the array indicates whether the current user can getAllDeletedMessagesPaging; and [2] indicates whether the current user can importMessages. See the forums security map description in the overall service description.
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getUsersToNotify

      String[] getUsersToNotify(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Get the usernames of the users who should receive notifications when updates are made to a given thread. This set of users is the union of the users subscribed to the thread and the users subscribed to the parent forum of the thread.
      threadId_ - The id of a thread.
      The usernames of the users to notify of updates to the thread.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getUsersToNotifyForForum

      String[] getUsersToNotifyForForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get the usernames of the users who should receive notification when updates are made to a given forum or any of its threads. This is the list of users that are subscribed to the forum.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      The usernames of users to notify of updates to the forum or any of its threads.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • isSubscribedToForum

      boolean isSubscribedToForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get the current user's subscription status for a given forum.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      true if the current user is subscribed to the forum, and false otherwise
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • subscribeToForum

      void subscribeToForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Subscribe the current user to a given forum.
      forumId_ - The id of the forum to subscribe to.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to subscribe to the forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, READER, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may subscribe to forums.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • unsubscribeFromForum

      void unsubscribeFromForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Unsubscribes the current user from a given forum.
      forumId_ - The id of the forum to unsubscribe from.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to unsubscribe from the forum. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, READER, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may unsubscribe from forums.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • enableForumAnonymousPosting

      void enableForumAnonymousPosting(Long forumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Allow anonymous posting for a given forum
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may enable anonymous posting on forums.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • disableForumAnonymousPosting

      void disableForumAnonymousPosting(Long forumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Disallows anonymous posting for a given forum (can only be set by a forums administrator or a user having equivalent/higher privileges).
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may disable anonymous posting on forums.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setForumPublic

      void setForumPublic(Long forumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Set a forum to be public, ie allow all users to see the forum and participate.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to set forums as public. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may set forums as public.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • setForumPrivate

      void setForumPrivate(Long forumId_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Set a forum to be private, ie allow only users/groups that are participants and administrators to see the forum and participate.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to set forums as private. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may set forums as private.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumsPaging

      ResultPage getForumsPaging(Long[] forumIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Gets multiple forums, paging.
      forumIds_ - The ids (local ids) of the forums to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Forum.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Forum objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the forums. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view forums.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the passed forum ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • findForumsPaging

      ResultPage findForumsPaging(String nameSearchString_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Find forums by name (gets the forums whose name matches a given query string).
      nameSearchString_ - The query string to use to search for forums by name. The query string is interpreted as a regular expression but ignoring case. null is a wildcard, meaning any value of the name field.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Forum.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Forum objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAllForumsPaging

      ResultPage getAllForumsPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get all forums, paging.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Forum.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Forum objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAllForumSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getAllForumSummariesPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get the summaries of all forums, paging.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ForumSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ForumSummary objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadsPaging

      ResultPage getThreadsPaging(Long[] threadIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Get multiple threads, paging.
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in DiscussionThread.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of DiscussionThread objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the threads. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view threads.
      InvalidThreadException - if any one of the passed thread ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessagesPaging

      ResultPage getMessagesPaging(Long[] messageIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidMessageException
      Get multiple messages, paging.
      messageIds_ - The ids of the messages to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Message.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Message objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view messages.
      InvalidMessageException - if any one of the passed message ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumIdsByRelatedPaging

      ResultPage getForumIdsByRelatedPaging(LocalObject related_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get the ids of the forums related to a given Appian Type object (an Appian Type is any type that has a corresponding TYPE_XXX constant defined in ObjectTypeMapping).
      related_ - The identifier specifiying the object for which related forums are to be returned (the type, and either id or stringId fileds of the passed object must be set).
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Long objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessagesForThreadPaging

      ResultPage getMessagesForThreadPaging(Long threadId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Get all the messages in a given thread, paging.
      threadId_ - The thread ID
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Message.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Message objects.
      InvalidThreadException - if the passed thread id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getForumSummariesPaging(Long[] forumIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Get the summaries of multiple forums, paging.
      forumIds_ - The ids of the forums to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ForumSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ForumSummary objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the forums. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view forums.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the passed forum ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getValidForumSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getValidForumSummariesPaging(Long[] forumIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get the summaries of valid multiple forums, paging. This function will return every forum that is valid and visible to the user.
      forumIds_ - The ids of the forums to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ForumSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ForumSummary objects.
    • getThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getThreadSummariesPaging(Long[] threadIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidThreadException
      Get the summaries of multiple threads, paging.
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads to retrieve.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ThreadSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ThreadSummary objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may get thread summaries.
      InvalidThreadException - if any one of the passed thread ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Get the summaries of all the sponsored threads in a forum, paging.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ThreadSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ThreadSummary objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to sponsor threads. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may sponsor threads.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging

      ResultPage getSponsoredThreadSummariesPaging(Long[] forumIds_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Get the summaries of all the sponsored threads in multiple forums, paging.
      forumIds_ - The ids of the forums.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ThreadSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ThreadSummary objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to sponsor threads in any of the forums. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, and ADMINISTRATOR roles in ForumsRoleMap may sponsor threads.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the passed forum ids is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadedMessagesPaging

      ResultPage getThreadedMessagesPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidForumException
      Get all the messages in a forum as ThreadedMessage objects.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ThreadedMessage.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ThreadedMessage objects.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadSummariesForForumPaging

      ResultPage getThreadSummariesForForumPaging(Long forumId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException, InvalidForumException
      Get the summaries of all the threads in a forum, paging.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in ThreadSummary.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of ThreadSummary objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view any of the threads. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view threads.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • addActorsToRolesInForums

      void addActorsToRolesInForums(Long forumId_, String[] usernames_, Long[] groupIds_, String role_) throws InvalidForumException
      Add users/groups to a given role in a forum.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      usernames_ - The users to add to the role.
      groupIds_ - The groups to add to the role.
      role_ - The role, which should be one of the ROLE_XXX constants defined in ForumsRoleMap.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • allowedAnonymousPosting

      boolean allowedAnonymousPosting(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Returns whether anonymous posting is allowed for a given forum.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      true if anonymous posting is allowed in the forum, and false otherwise
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getAllDeletedMessagesPaging

      ResultPage getAllDeletedMessagesPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws PrivilegeException
      Get all the messages that have been deleted, paging.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Message.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Message objects.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to view deleted messages. Only SYSADMIN and APPADMIN roles in ForumsRoleMap may view deleted messages.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getPermissionsForMessageIdsForSessionUser

      int[] getPermissionsForMessageIdsForSessionUser(Long[] messageIds_)
      Get the permissions that the current user has for the given messages.
      messageIds_ - The ids of messages.
      An array of ints, each of which represents the current user's permission level for the corresponding message. This is one of the MESSAGE_PERMISSION_XXX constants defined by this class.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getPermissionsForMessageIdsForUser

      int[] getPermissionsForMessageIdsForUser(Long[] messageIds_, String username_)
      Get the permissions that a given user has for the given messages.
      messageIds_ - The ids of messages.
      username_ - The username (ie login) of a user. If the username is invalid, the method will execute as if for an anonymous user.
      An array of ints, each of which represents the passed user's permission level for the corresponding message. This is one of the MESSAGE_PERMISSION_XXX constants defined by this class.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribersForForum

      String[] getSubscribersForForum(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Returns the usernames of the users subscribed to a given forum.
      forumId_ - The id of the forum whose subscribers should be retrieved.
      The usernames of the forum subscribers.
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • isForumPublic

      boolean isForumPublic(Long forumId_) throws InvalidForumException
      Returns whether a forum is public.
      forumId_ - The id of a forum.
      true if the given forum is public, and false otherwise
      InvalidForumException - if the passed forum id is invalid
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyUserCreation

      @Deprecated void notifyUserCreation(String username_)
      done automatically by UserService.createUser
      Notifies this service that a new user has been created. This call is used when a user has has been created in the Personalization server, but has not logged in to forums yet (ie activateUserSession has not been called) and the administrator wants to add the user to a rolemap, etc. In that case, the Forums server will not know the user exists unless this call is made first.
      username_ - The username (ie login) of the new user.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • notifyUsersCreation

      void notifyUsersCreation(String[] usernames_)
      Notifies this service that new users have been created (see notifyUserCreation(java.lang.String)).
      usernames_ - The usernames (ie logins) of the new users.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedThreadsPaging

      ResultPage getSubscribedThreadsPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get all the threads to which the current user is subscribed, paging.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in DiscussionThread.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of DiscussionThread objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getSubscribedForumsPaging

      ResultPage getSubscribedForumsPaging(int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_)
      Get all the forums to which the current user is subscribed, paging.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Forum.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Forum objects.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getChildrenForMessagePaging

      ResultPage getChildrenForMessagePaging(Long messageId_, int startIndex_, int batchSize_, Integer sortProperty_, Integer sortOrder_) throws InvalidMessageException, PrivilegeException
      Get all the child messages (ie replies) of a given message, paging.
      messageId_ - The id of a message.
      startIndex_ - The index into the collection of total results at which to start. Negative numbers are treated as zeros.
      batchSize_ - The number of results to return. Use Constants.COUNT_ALL to return all results from startIndex_ to the end, but this is STRONGLY discouraged.
      sortProperty_ - The property by which the results should be sorted. This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in Message.
      sortOrder_ - The order in which to sort the results. This is either Constants.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING or Constants.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING.
      A Resultpage containing an array of Message objects.
      InvalidMessageException - if the passed message id is invalid
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient permissios to view messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, and READER roles in ForumsRoleMap may view messages.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getApplicationName

      String getApplicationName()
      Gets the name of the application on which this service is running.
      the name of the application
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getApplicationPermissions

      boolean[] getApplicationPermissions()
      Returns boolean[3] of system permissions which is set in session.
      A boolean array of three system permissions. Element [0] of the returned array indicates whether the current user can createForum; element [1] of the array indicates whether the current user can getAllDeletedMessagesPaging; and [2] indicates whether the current user can importMessages. See the forums security map description in the overall service description.
    • getWorkspace

      String[] getWorkspace()
      Gets the current memory profile for the workspace.
      array of Strings of length 4 describing memory usage:
      • [0]Used - Memory Used by the Server so far for storage
      • [1]Allocated - Memory allocated for use. Often if a large data item was allocated by a server and subsequently freed, this value will be large compared to "Used". If nearly all memory allocated is in use, this value will be close to (but always higher than) "Used"
      • [2]Mapped - is the space used by memory-mapped files
      • [3]Available - is the total available memory for the Server process
      Note: All usage statistics are in Bytes.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • createMessages

      Create multiple messages, one per forum. NOTE: To physically store the messages to disk, this call must be followed by a call to DiscussionBodyService.createMessages(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.forums.Message[]), using the filenames returned by this method.
      forumIds_ - The ids of the forums in which to create the new messages.
      msgs_ - The Message objects from which to create the messages. The minimum required fields that must be set in each object are: threadId, parentId, subject, and anonymousAuthor. When creating a new thread, the threadId and parentId fields should be set to 0. The id, remoteId, and filename fields will be assigned by the server.
      The new messages, with the id, remoteId, and filename fields properly populated.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the passed forum ids is invalid
      InvalidMessageException - if the parentId of any one of the passed messages does not exist
      IllegalArgumentException - if the forumIds_ array is not the same length as the msgs_ array
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to create messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may create messages.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
      NullPointerException - if the msgs_ array or one or more elements in the the array is null.
    • createForums

      Long[] createForums(Forum[] forums_) throws PrivilegeException, DuplicateUuidException
      Create multiple discussion forums. Forums contain threads which contain messages.
      forums_ - The forums to be created. The following fields of the passed objects must be set: name, creator and dateCreated. The value of the id field is ignored (can be null), since it will be assigned by the server.
      The server-assigned forum ids (local ids).
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to perform this operation. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, WRITER, READER, and USER roles in ForumsRoleMap may create forums.
      DuplicateUuidException - if the UUID of any of the forums already exists or if the same UUID is passed in for several forums
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • importMessages

      Import multiple messages, one per forum. This method will use the datePosted and author values specified in the passed Message objects instead of assigning them on the server. NOTE: To physically store the messages to disk, this call must be followed by a call to DiscussionBodyService.createMessages(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.forums.Message[]), using the filenames returned by this method.
      forumIds_ - The ids of the forums in which to create the messages.
      msgs_ - The Message objects from which to create the messages. The minimum required fields that must be set in each object are: threadId, parentId, subject, anonymousAuthor, datePosted, and author. When creating a new thread, the threadId and parentId fields should be set to 0. The id, remoteId, and filename fields will be assigned by the server.
      The imported messages, with the id, remoteId, and filename fields properly populated.
      InvalidForumException - if any one of the passed forum ids is invalid
      InvalidMessageException - if the parentId of any one of the passed messages is invalid
      IllegalArgumentException - if the forumIds_ array is not the same length as the msgs_ array
      PrivilegeException - if the current user does not have sufficient privileges to create messages. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, OWNER, ADMINISTRATOR, and WRITER roles in ForumsRoleMap may create messages.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getThreadsList

      ResultList getThreadsList(Long[] threadIds_)
      Gets the specified threads, returning the valid results even if all the results cannot be retrieved (for instance, if some of the threads corresponding to the passed ids no longer exist).
      threadIds_ - The ids of the threads to retrieve.
      A ResultList containing threads and result codes. the Result.getResults() method should be used to get all the threads that were successfully retrieved. In addition ResultList.getResultCodes() can be used to get the list of result codes corresponding to each of the passed thread ids. Each code represents the successful retrieval of a thread, or, if the thread could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. Possible result codes: ResultList.CODE_INVALID = the thread specified does not exist, ResultList.CODE_NO_PERMISSION = the user can't see the thread, and ResultList.CODE_VALID = the user can see the thread
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getForumsList

      ResultList getForumsList(Long[] forumIds_) throws InvalidUserException
      Gets the specified forums, returning the valid results even if all the results cannot be retrieved (for instance, if some of the forums corresponding to the passed ids no longer exist).
      forumIds_ - The ids of the threads to retrieve.
      A ResultList containing forums and result codes. the Result.getResults() method should be used to get all the forums that were successfully retrieved. In addition ResultList.getResultCodes() can be used to get the list of result codes corresponding to each of the passed forum ids. Each code represents the successful retrieval of a forum, or, if the forum could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • getMessagesList

      ResultList getMessagesList(Long[] messageIds_)
      Gets the specified messages, returning the valid results even if all the results cannot be retrieved (for instance, if some of the messages corresponding to the passed ids no longer exist).
      messageIds_ - The ids of the messages to retrieve.
      A ResultList containing messages and result codes. the Result.getResults() method should be used to get all the messages that were successfully retrieved. In addition ResultList.getResultCodes() can be used to get the list of result codes corresponding to each of the passed message ids. Each code represents the successful retrieval of a message, or, if the message could not be retrieved, the reason for the failure. See the CODE_XXX constants in ResultList for details.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • validateGroupMembership

      @Deprecated boolean validateGroupMembership(Long[] memGroupIds_, Long[] admGroupIds_) throws InvalidUserException
      No longer necessary with credential system
      Validates if the association of a user as 'Member' and as an 'Administrator has changed or not.
      memGroupIds_ - Groups for which the User is a member
      admGroupIds_ - Groups for which the User is an administrator
      true if there is not change in the membership of the user
      InvalidUserException - if the user calling this method does not exist
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • updateUsernames

      @Deprecated void updateUsernames(String[] oldUsernames_, String[] newUsernames_, long maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_) throws IllegalArgumentException, PrivilegeException, DuplicateNameException
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Updates a list of old usernames to new usernames.

      If successful, this method must be followed by commitUpdateUsernames(). After commitUpdateUsernames has been called, the old usernames will still be active, but will expire after the interval specified by maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_; if updateUsernames is successful but commitUpdateUsernames is not called, the new usernames will not become active.

      If unsuccessful, this method should be followed by rollbackUpdateUsernames(). This will simply free memory dedicated to mapping old usernames to new usernames.

      oldUsernames_ - the usernames to be updated
      newUsernames_ - the usernames to which the old usernames will be updated
      maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_ - the interval, in seconds, after commitUpdateUsernames has been called, after which the old usernames will expire. If this parameter is zero or a negative value the old usernames will expire instantly. After expiration, the old usernames will no longer be valid.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the length of oldUsernames_ is not the same as the length of newUsernames_.
      PrivilegeException - if the current user is not a system administrator
      DuplicateNameException - if any oldUsernames_ or newUsernames_ contain any duplicates, or if an old username is being updated to a username that already exists
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • commitUpdateUsernames

      @Deprecated void commitUpdateUsernames()
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Commits an update of usernames.

      This method should be preceded by a call to updateUsernames(String[], String[], long). After the commit, the old usernames will be temporarily active, and will expire after the interval specified by maxExpirationTimeInSeconds_; if commitUpdateUsernames is not called, the new usernames will not become active.

      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • rollbackUpdateUsernames

      @Deprecated void rollbackUpdateUsernames()
      DEPRECATED: See UserService.renameUsersByUuid(java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[]) Rolls back an update of usernames.

      This method should be called if updateUsernames(String[], String[], long) is unsuccessful. The rollback will simply free memory dedicated to mapping old usernames to new usernames.

      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • inviteUsersToThread

      void inviteUsersToThread(String[] usernames_, Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      Add invitation for the given users to the given thread. Later, the invitee can accept the invitation by acceptThreadInvitation or deny the invitation by denyThreadInvitation, after which the invitation becomes void.
      usernames_ - the users to invite
      threadId_ - the thread to which they are invites
      InvalidThreadException - if the thread does not exist
      PrivilegeException - if the requesting user cannot subscribe other users to thread. Only SYSADMIN, APPADMIN, ADMINISTRATOR, and OWNER can subscribe other users.
    • acceptThreadInvitation

      void acceptThreadInvitation(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException, PrivilegeException
      Called by the invitee to accept the invitation.
      threadId_ - the thread to which the user wants to subscribe
      InvalidThreadException - if the thread does not exist
      PrivilegeException - if the user wasn't invited
    • denyThreadInvitation

      void denyThreadInvitation(Long threadId_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Called by the invitee to deny the invitation. If the user wasn't invited, this method does effectively nothing.
      threadId_ - the thread to which the user does not want to subscribe
      InvalidThreadException - if the thread does not exist
    • isInvitedToThreads

      boolean[] isInvitedToThreads(Long[] threadIds_) throws InvalidThreadException
      Called to check if the invitation to threads for current user are valid.
      threadIds_ - the threads for which to check the user's invitation.
      array of boolean's, true if the user's invitation to the thread is valid, otherwise false.
      InvalidThreadException - if any of the threads does not exist
    • changePartitionPaths

      void changePartitionPaths(String originalPath, String newPath)
      Changes where message texts are stored from one path to another. This is method is useful when switching server environments. For example, if switching from Windows to Linux this method could change the partition path from c:\forums to /home/usr/forums.
      originalPath - The path where forum texts were previously stored.
      newPath - The path where forum texts will now be stored.
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • reloadProperties

      @Deprecated void reloadProperties()
      reloading properties is now automatic, so this call is now unnecessary and does nothing.
      Reloads all database-level properties files (*.xml, *.properties) without interrupting API services
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • validate

      String validate()
      Runs validation tests against the database to check whether it is corrupt, and returns a line-separated list of validation results
      the validation results
      ServiceException - if any system-level error occurs
    • validateTypedValues

      boolean validateTypedValues(TypedValue[] typedValues)
      Validates given TypedValues. This method is free to throw an exception or to return false if any TypedValue passed is invalid for this engine. This engine supports: AppianType.FORUM AppianType.DISCUSSION_THREAD AppianType.MESSAGE
      typedValues -
      true if valid, false if invalid
    • setTimeZone

      void setTimeZone(BackendTimeZoneSimple tz)
      Set a backend timezone.
      tz -
    • setTimeZoneSameAs

      @Deprecated void setTimeZoneSameAs(BackendTimeZoneSimple tz, String sameAsId)
      Set the time zone information using the format used by the engines to encapsulate time zone information. This method sets the time zone for the forums engine only. NOTE: Using this method could lead to data inconsistency, use GlobalizationService.setTimeZone(com.appiancorp.suiteapi.portal.BackendTimeZoneSimple) to set the time zone across all engines (rarely required).
      tz - The specially formatted time zone object used by the engines
    • getMessageCountByUsers

      UserMessageCount[] getMessageCountByUsers(String[] usernameList) throws PrivilegeException
      Returns the number of message posts grouped by a list of users. Duplicated and invalid usernames are skipped. The order of the usernames is preserved. They are returned as they appeared in the input array.
      usernameList - The list of usernames that the service is going to search for
      Returns an array of UserMessageCount objects: Each object has the username and the corresponding number (as an integer) of messages posted. If username is invalid, return zero. It does not return results with invalid users
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges
    • getMessageCountByUsers

      UserMessageCount[] getMessageCountByUsers(String[] usernameList, Date fromDate, Date toDate) throws PrivilegeException
      Returns the number of message posts grouped by a list of users from the fromDate to the toDate. Dates are inclusive and times are GMT. Duplicated and invalid usernames are skipped. The order of the usernames is preserved. They are returned as they appeared in the input array.
      usernameList - The list of usernames that the service is going to search for
      fromDate - The initial date for the query
      toDate - The end date for the query
      Returns an array of UserMessageCount objects: Each object has the username and the corresponding number (as an integer) of messages posted. If username is invalid, return zero. It does not return results with invalid users
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges
    • getMessageCountByUsersForForum

      UserMessageCount[] getMessageCountByUsersForForum(String[] usernameList, Date fromDate, Date toDate, Long forumId) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Returns the number of message posts grouped by a list of users from the fromDate to the toDate. Messages are filtered with a specific forum. Dates are inclusive and times are GMT. Duplicated and invalid usernames are skipped. The order of the usernames is preserved. They are returned as they appeared in the input array.
      usernameList - The list of usernames that the service is going to search for
      fromDate - The initial date for the query
      toDate - The end date for the query
      forumId - Identifier of the forum to get statistics from
      Returns an array of UserMessageCount objects: Each object has the username and the corresponding number (as an integer) of messages posted. If the username is invalid, it will return a message count of zero for that user.
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges
    • getTopUsersForForum

      UserMessageCount[] getTopUsersForForum(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Long forumId, int topNUsers) throws InvalidForumException, PrivilegeException
      Returns which users are the most active when posting into a particular forum. The length of the returned array can be difined by changing the value of the parameter topNUsers.
      fromDate - The initial date for the query
      toDate - The end date for the query
      forumId - Identifier of the forum to get statistics from
      topNUsers - The number of users you expect as an output of the function
      Returns the Top N Active Users in descending order by number of posts
      InvalidForumException - thrown if Forum Id is invalid
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges
    • getTopUsersForSite

      UserMessageCount[] getTopUsersForSite(Date fromDate, Date toDate, int topNUsers) throws PrivilegeException
      Returns which users are the most active when posting into the entire site. The length of the returned array can be defined by changing the value of the parameter topNUsers. Starting a topic or replying to a topic counts as a post.
      fromDate - The initial date for the query
      toDate - The end date for the query
      topNUsers - The number of users you expect as an output of the function
      Returns the Top N Active Users in descending order by number of posts
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges
    • getMessagesByUserPaging

      ResultPage getMessagesByUserPaging(String username, int startIndex, int batchSize, int sortProperty, int sortOrder) throws PrivilegeException
      This function gets all messages for a specific user.
      username - User whose messages are going to be retreived
      startIndex - The index into the collection of total results at which to start
      batchSize - The number of results to return
      sortProperty - The property by which the results should be sorted This should be one of the SORT_BY_XXX constants defined in {com.appiancorp.suiteapi.forums.DiscussionThread}
      sortOrder - The order in which results are going to be sorted {com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.Constants#SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING} or {com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.Constants#SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING}
      Returns all messages for the user
      PrivilegeException - thrown if user does not have admin privileges