Class ContentFilter


public class ContentFilter extends Object
Filters may be applied to Content Service operations in order to filter the final results by the criteria listed here. All string filters are database regular expressions: A database regular expression is one executing within backend database, supporting a set of regular expression patterns. The following escape character commands are supported: * matches zero or more characters (e.g., "*.jpg") ? matches exactly one character (e.g., "myfile?.txt") [characters] matches exactly one of the characters given (e.g., [cC]). Other characters represent themselves. Within [characters], additional escape character commands are supported: ^characters is none of the character character-character is the range of characters in ASCII between the given two characters, such as 0-9 or a-z. A single character in [] allows escape characters themselves to be represented, such as [*], [?] and [[].
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ContentFilter

      public ContentFilter(int typemask_)
      Constructs a filter which only returns Content items matching the given typemask.
      typemask_ - any combination of the TYPE_ constants in ContentConstants
    • ContentFilter

      public ContentFilter(int typemask_, int subtype_)
      Constructs a filter which only returns Content items matching the given typemask and subtype.
      typemask_ - any combination of the TYPE_ constants in ContentConstants
      subtype_ - subtype
    • ContentFilter

      public ContentFilter(Integer typemask_)
      Constructs a filter which only returns Content items matching the given typemask.
      typemask_ - any combination of the TYPE_ constants in ContentConstants
    • ContentFilter

      public ContentFilter(Integer typemask_, Integer subtype_)
      Constructs a filter which only returns Content items matching the given typemask and subtype.
      typemask_ - any combination of the TYPE_ constants in ContentConstants
      subtype_ - subtype
  • Method Details

    • getSubtype

      public Integer getSubtype()
      Returns the subtype for this filter. The subtype must match exactly in order for the Content to be returned, or set to null to ignore.
      the subtype
      See Also:
    • setSubtype

      public ContentFilter setSubtype(Integer subtype_)
      Set the subtype for this filter. The subtype must match exactly in order for the Content to be returned, or set to null to ignore.
      subtype_ - the subtype, or null to ignore the subtype
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getTypemask

      public Integer getTypemask()
      Get the typemask for this filter. The typemask is 'and'ed with the type of the Content, returning the Content where the 'and' is non-0.
      the typemask
      See Also:
    • setTypemask

      public ContentFilter setTypemask(Integer typemask_)
      Set the typemask for this filter. The typemask is 'and'ed with the type of the Content, returning the Content where the 'and' is non-0.
      typemask_ - any combination of the TYPE_ constants in ContentConstants
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getRoot

      public Long getRoot()
      Get the root for this filter. Filter will only return content items that are descendants of this root
      the root.
      See Also:
    • setRoot

      public ContentFilter setRoot(Long root_)
      Set the root for this filter. Filter will only return content items that are descendants of this root
      root_ - The root to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getAccessLevel

      public Integer getAccessLevel()
      Set the access level for this filter. Filter will only return content of this access level.
      the accessLevel.
      See Also:
    • setAccessLevel

      public ContentFilter setAccessLevel(Integer accessLevel_)
      Get the access level for this filter. Filter will only return content of this access level.
      accessLevel_ - The accessLevel to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Returns the description expression of the filter. Filter will only return content items whose descriptions match this regular expression.
      Returns the description.
      See Also:
    • setDescription

      public ContentFilter setDescription(String description_)
      Set the description expression of the filter. Filter will only return content items whose descriptions match this regular expression.
      description_ - The description to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getExtension

      public String[] getExtension()
      Returns the extensions of the filter. Filter will only return content items with the given extensions.
      Returns the extension.
      See Also:
    • setExtension

      public ContentFilter setExtension(String[] extension_)
      Set the extensions of the filter. Filter will only return content items with the given extensions.
      extension_ - The extension to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name expression of the filter. Filter will only return content items whose names match this regular expression.
      Returns the name.
      See Also:
    • setName

      public ContentFilter setName(String name_)
      Set the name expression of the filter. Filter will only return content items whose names match this regular expression.
      name_ - The name to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getParent

      public Long getParent()
      Returns the parent for the filter. Filter will only return content items that are children of the given parent.
      Returns the parent.
      See Also:
    • setParent

      public ContentFilter setParent(Long parent_)
      Set the parent for the filter. Filter will only return content items that are children of the given parent.
      parent_ - The parent to set.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
    • getAttributes

      public ContentFilter.KeyValue[] getAttributes()
      Return the attributes searched for by the filter. Filter will only return content items that have attributes with the given name and value from the KeyValue.
    • setAttribute

      public ContentFilter setAttribute(ContentFilter.KeyValue[] attributes)
      Set the KeyValues for an attribute search. Filter will only return content items that have attributes with the given key and value from the KeyValue.
      attribute_ - The name and value of the attribute.
      the ContentFilter
      See Also:
      • #getAttribute()