Package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions

package com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions
  • Class
    Callback used to format an AppianErrorCode.
    AppianException is the base class of all application-level exceptions thrown in the product.
    AppianPrivilegeNotFoundException acts as a wrapper around an equivalent AppianPrivelegeException.
    AppianRuntimeException is the base class of all application-level runtime exceptions thrown in the product.
    This exception is thrown when an issue is encountered when interacting with Appian file storage.
    This exception is thrown if the context is null or not valid.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting a failure when backing up and/or saving the Database.
    Runtime exception thrown when an attempt at text decryption throws an exception.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods which themselves are deprecated, or that contain a deprecated combination of parameters.
    This exception may be thrown while trying to create or modify a Rule with a name that is already registered as an expression function.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given id is not unique.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given name of a user, group, grouptype, or attribute name is not unique.
    Thrown when attempting to place a portlet into a page that already contains the same portlet.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods that create content if the UUID specified is already in use for another piece of content.
    Exception that is thrown if the user tries to create a web service to start a process model, and a web service with the same name already exists.
    Runtime exception thrown when an attempt at text encryption throws an exception.
    use individual method replacements
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given expression is invalid.
    This exception is thrown when trying to delete a group that is being used as an attribute for another group
    This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to delete a group type but groups exist that reference that group type.
    Exception indicating that the attempted action could not completed because a GroupType involved in the action is being used by a rule.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given user or group does not exist as an admin of a group.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the user is logged in as 'anonymous', but anonymous access has not been enabled.
    Exception that is thrown if the user references an attachment that does not exist in the database.
    This exception is thrown when trying to get, update, or delete an attribute for a group type that does not exist
    Exception that can be thrown if the user attempts to configure a group or group type attribute incorrectly (that is, by giving an attribute a value which is incompatible with its type).
    Thrown when a category id is used that does not refer to an existing category.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a collaboration community does not exist.
    use InvalidUserException
    This exception may be thrown by service methods when invalid data formats are passed to the service methods e.g.
    Exception that is thrown if the user tries to delete a process model, but completed or active processes of that model exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a document or any versions of a document does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that given email address in invalid.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the escalation is non-existent or has been deleted.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that an event does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the expression with the given ID is non-existent or has been deleted.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a folder does not exist.
    Exception that is thrown when a user references a forum that does not exist in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given group does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given group type does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given knowledge center does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a local object type does not exist.
    This exception is thrown by authenticating service methods detecting that a given username and password do not match.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given user or group does not exist as a member of a group.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given member policy id when creating a group is either not supported or is not supported in combination with the given security map id and/or viewing policy id.
    This exception is thrown by service classes to indicate that a thread message is invalid.
    Thrown when a metadata rule id references a rule that is not in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that an invalid or null name was specified for an object.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the user has referenced a node that is not in the database.
    Exception that is thrown if a node is started through IFM, but that node is not allowed to have multiple instance (i.e. is restricted by activity chaining).
    Exception that is thrown if an invalid operation such as reassigning or starting the logic node is performed.
    Exception that is thrown if an invalid operation such as starting node which is set to recur.
    Thrown when a notification id is used that does not refer to an existing notification.
    Thrown when the user references a notification type that is not in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods when the given method does not support a particular operation - for instance, it may be thrown when attempting to delete a collaboration folder that contains documents.
    Thrown when a page id is used that does not refer to an existing page.
    Thrown when the parent group is set for a group that the user does not have permission to set or does not exist.
    Thrown when a portlet id is used that does not refer to an existing portlet.
    Thrown when a portlet type id is used that does not refer to an existing portlet type.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the user has referenced a priority that is not in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the user has referenced a process model that is not in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the rank name is invalid.
    This exception should be thrown whenever an invalid role is passed in.
    Thrown when an invalid schedule type is triggered.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that an Invalid or null security map Id was specified for new group.
    Thrown when a page is not in a state compatible with the action attempted on it.
    This exception may be thrown when trying to create or update a user with a supervisor that does not exist in the database.
    Exception that is thrown if the user references a thread (now known as Topic) that does not exist in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the title (rank) is invalid.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a referenced user does not exist.
    Exception that is thrown if a user references a UUID that does not exist in the database.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a referenced version of an entity (eg a process model) does not exist.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given viewing policy id when creating a group is either not supported or is not supported in combination with the given security map id and/or member policy policy id.
    Thrown when attempting to place a portlet into a non-existing zone in the page.
    ErrorCodeFormatter based upon a Locale.
    This exception is thrown when the user cannot login because the account is locked.
    Exception that indicates operation faliure due to a locking issue.
    Exception that indicates an operation failed because a container was not empty, such as an attempt to delete a Community that still has children.
    Exception that is thrown if the user tries to attach a Note to a process (or task), but the maximum number of allowable notes have already been attached.
    This exception is thrown when the user's password has expired.
    Thrown if (1) user tries to create/modify a portlet so that it is shareable and inherits security from the page it is on or, (2) user tries to unshare a portlet that is on other pages (without using a method explicitly designed to do this).
    Exception thrown to indicate that an operation failed because the actor had insufficient security permissions.
    Exception that is thrown if the user tries to attach an attachment to a process, but that object already has the maximum number of allowed attachments.
    This exception is thrown when a relationship is trying to be created that will result in a recursive loop.
    A marker interface indicating that an Exception is transient.
    A subclass of AppianException that indicates that the exception is transient and the operation can be safely retried.
    A subclass of AppianRuntimeException that indicates that the exception is transient and the operation can be safely retried.
    This exception will be thrown if a user attempts to change their own username by any means.
    Exception meant to represent an error caught by an ApplicationAssociatedObjectTranslator while using an underlying service.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that the a particular entity cannot be stored because a particular limit has been reached on the server.
    This exception is thrown when trying to delete an Attribute of a Group Type that is core to the Appian Installation.
    This exception is thrown when trying to delete a group that is core to the Personalization service.
    This exception is thrown when trying to delete a group type that is core to the Appian Installation.
    This exception is thrown when the user's temporary password has expired.
    Thrown when the number of documents exceeds a specified number
    This exception is thrown when trying to create or update an attribute type that is not supported by the Personalization service.
    Thrown when a given operator is not supported by the Personalization service.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a relationship type does not exist or is not currently supported.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given role does not exist or is not supported.
    This exception may be thrown by service methods detecting that a given title is not currently supported.
    This exception should be thrown when an error occurs trying to write data to a storage location (whether it be writing to a flat file on disk or writing to a DB).