Class DuplicateWebServiceNameException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DuplicateWebServiceNameException extends AppianException
Exception that is thrown if the user tries to create a web service to start a process model, and a web service with the same name already exists.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • _errorCode

      protected ErrorCode _errorCode
  • Constructor Details

    • DuplicateWebServiceNameException

      public DuplicateWebServiceNameException(ErrorCode errorCode_)
      Initializes the exception with a specific ErrorCode
      errorCode_ - the error code to use
    • DuplicateWebServiceNameException

      public DuplicateWebServiceNameException(ErrorCode errorCode_, Throwable cause_)
    • DuplicateWebServiceNameException

      public DuplicateWebServiceNameException()
      Constructs a new exception using the default ErrorCode for this Exception
  • Method Details