Class ApplicationNotFoundException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ApplicationNotFoundException extends AppianException
Exception thrown by the Service whenever an Application ID does not match any object stored in the database
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ApplicationNotFoundException

      public ApplicationNotFoundException(Long id)
      A constructor for the ApplicationNotFoundException which generates an error code message that includes the ID of the Application which was attempted to be retrieved
      id - The application ID that was retrieved
    • ApplicationNotFoundException

      public ApplicationNotFoundException(String urlIdentifier)
      A constructor for the ApplicationNotFoundException which generates an error code message that includes the URL identifier of the Application which was attempted to be retrieved
      urlIdentifier - The application URL identifier that was retrieved
    • ApplicationNotFoundException

      public ApplicationNotFoundException(Long[] ids)
      The default constructor for the ApplicationNotFoundException which generates an error code message that includes the IDs of the Applications which were attempted to be retrieved
      id - The application IDs that was retrieved
  • Method Details

    • getApplicationNotFoundExceptionByUuid

      public static ApplicationNotFoundException getApplicationNotFoundExceptionByUuid(String uuid)
      A factory for the ApplicationNotFoundException which generates an error code message that includes the UUID identifier of the Application which was attempted to be retrieved
      uuid - The application UUID identifier that was retrieved