Class ApplicationAction

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class ApplicationAction extends Object implements Cloneable, Serializable
Represents an action that can be executed in the context of an Application. The action is backed by a Process Model, which executes when the action is triggered.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ApplicationAction

      public ApplicationAction()
      No-args constructor necessary for Import/Export, since when importing the bean is reconstructed piece by piece. A valid Application Action should have at least a display name and an associated process model UUID. See validate().
    • ApplicationAction

      public ApplicationAction(String displayLabel, String processModelUuid)
      Creates a new Application Action with the given user friendly label, and process model UUID.
      displayLabel - The user friendly label to use when displaying this action.
      processModelUuid - The UUID of the process model that executes as part of this action.
    • ApplicationAction

      public ApplicationAction(String displayLabel, String processModelUuid, String description)
      Creates a new Application Action with the given user friendly label, process model UUID, and description of the action.
      displayLabel - The user friendly label to use when displaying this action.
      processModelUuid - The UUID of the process model that executes as part of this action.
      description - The description of the action.
    • ApplicationAction

      public ApplicationAction(String displayLabel, String processModelUuid, String description, String actionUuid)
      Creates a new Application Action with the given user friendly label, process model UUID, description, and action UUID of the action.
      displayLabel - The user friendly label to use when displaying this action.
      processModelUuid - The UUID of the process model that executes as part of this action.
      description - The description of the action.
      actionUuid - The UUID of the application action.
  • Method Details

    • toApplicationActionBean

      public ApplicationActionBean toApplicationActionBean()
      Constructs an ApplicationActionBean and returns it
      the ApplicationActionBean
    • clone

      public ApplicationAction clone()
      clone in class Object
    • validate

      public void validate() throws InvalidActionException
      Validates that this ApplicationAction is correct. A valid Action consists of a Non-empty associated process model UUID and action's display label.
      InvalidActionException - If the action is invalid, per the description above.
    • getProcessModelUuid

      @ConvertWith(com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.parameters.UuidParameterConverter.class) public String getProcessModelUuid()
      Retrieves the UUID of the AbstractProcessModel that executes the action.
      The process model UUID.
    • setProcessModelUuid

      public void setProcessModelUuid(String processModelUuid)
      Sets the UUID of the AbstractProcessModel that executes the action.
      processModelUuid - The process model UUID that executes the action.
    • getActionUuid

      @ConvertWith(com.appiancorp.kougar.mapper.parameters.UuidParameterConverter.class) public String getActionUuid()
      Retrieves the UUID of the ApplicationAction.
      The action UUID.
    • setActionUuid

      public void setActionUuid(String actionUuid)
      Sets the UUID of the ApplicationAction.
      actionUuid - The action UUID.
    • getDisplayLabel

      public String getDisplayLabel()
      Retrieves the user friendly name for this action.
      The display name.
    • setDisplayLabel

      public void setDisplayLabel(String displayLabel)
      Sets the user friendly name for this action.
      displayLabel - A user friendly name to use when displaying this action.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Retrieves a description of this action.
      The description of this action.
    • setDescription

      public void setDescription(String description)
      Sets a description of this action.
      description - A description of this action.