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Setting Up Studio
This content applies solely to Appian Case Management Studio for Public Sector, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform.


After installing the Studio module, you need to set it up before using it with Appian Case Management Studio Base. This guide walks you through the recommended setup steps, which include:

Implementers can customize the security, display names, and other aspects of the application to best suit their needs.

Step 1: Enabling milestone generation on case creation

This is a required step. Since milestones are created and configured to tasks in case types in the Studio module, the following steps must be completed to ensure that milestones are generated successfully upon case creation.

  1. Log in to the target environment.
  2. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  3. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  4. Search for and select the CMGT_Case_SetMetaData expression rule.
  5. Locate the milestones map.
  6. At line 105, replace the CMGT_Case_GenerateCaseCreationMilestones_Logic rule reference with the following code block:
    rule!CMGT_WFL_Case_GenerateCaseCreationMilestones_Logic(case: fv!item)


  7. Click SAVE CHANGES.

Step 2: Enabling task generation on case creation

This is a required step. Since reference tasks are created and configured to case types in the Studio module, the following steps must be completed to ensure that tasks are generated successfully upon case creation.

  1. Log in to the target environment.
  2. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  3. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  4. Search for and select the CMGT_Case_Create process model.
  5. Double-click the Create Tasks for Case sub-process node.
  6. Navigate to the Setup tab.
  7. In Input Variables, click the expression editor icon for the tasks input variable.
  8. Update the expression to the following:
  9. Click SAVE AND CLOSE.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Save & Publish the process model.

Step 3: Creating a case type category and case type

This is a required step. To create cases, at least one case type category and case type must be created in Studio first.

To create a case type category:

  1. Navigate to the Studio site.
  2. On the CASE TYPES page, click CREATE CATEGORY.
  3. Complete the form:
    • Name is the only field required.
  4. Click CREATE.

To create a case type:

  1. On the CASE TYPES page of the Studio site, inside of the newly created Case Category, click CREATE CASE TYPE.
  2. Complete the form:
    • Name and Prefix* are the only fields required.
    • Priority is set to none by default.
  3. Click CREATE.

Step 4: Enabling an ad-hoc template task to existing cases

This is an optional step. To add a CREATE FROM TEMPLATE action button to existing cases, which allows caseworkers to add an ad-hoc Confirmation or Document Upload template task to the case after the case was created when needed, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  2. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  3. Search for and select the CMGT_Case record type.
  4. Add the following new related action to the Related Actions section:
    • Create From Template
      • Display Name: Click Expression and enter translation!Create From Template
      • Key: createTaskFromExisting
      • Dialog Box Size: Large
      • Process model: CMGT_WFL_TaskFromExisting_Create with context
        cancel: null, /* Boolean */
        task: rule!CMGT_Task_RecordAction_Create_InitializeParameters(
           caseId: rv!identifier
  5. Save the action and the record type.
  6. In the CMGT Case Management Studio Base application, search for CMGT_Case_RecordView_Tasks.
  7. Search for the rule!CMGT_Task_RecordGrid interface.
  8. Find the topGridRecordActions parameter and the commented action.
  9. Uncomment the action and reassign it to createTaskFromExisting on the CMGT_Case record.

Step 5: Incorporating a quick action to Studio


This is an optional step. To add a quick action on the Workspace Home page, which takes users to the Studio site, complete the following steps:

  1. In Appian Designer, go to the CMGT WFL Studio Module application, search for the constant CMGT_WFL_TXT_SITE_URL_STUB.
    • Update the correct site URL stub where the Studio application is hosted.
  2. Search for CMGT_WFL_QuickLink_ItemMap and review the expression rule.
    • Confirm the URL is generated as expected by looking at the value.
    • Confirm the visibility logic.
  3. Go to Appian Designer.
  4. Go to the CMGT Case Management Studio Base application and search for CMGT_Workspace_InternalUser_Sub_QuickLinks.
  5. In local!itemMap, add CMGT_WFL_QuickLink_ItemMap to the list by copying the following:

  6. Click SAVE CHANGES.
  7. Confirm that the quick action is working as expected.

Step 6: Adding display of fields via summary

This is a required step. Perform these steps to show data on intake forms from fields that have been created via Studio.

  1. Log in to the target environment.
  2. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  3. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  4. Search for and select the expression rule CMGT_Case_CaseSummary.
  5. Find the card layout holding the description display, and after the columnsLayout, insert the with the following code block:
              case: ri!case,
              brandingMap: ri!brandingMap
  6. Click SAVE CHANGES.

Step 7: Updating additional fields in the case summary

This is a required step. Perform these steps to allow users to edit fields after a case is created.

  1. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  2. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  3. Search for and select the record type CMGT_Case.
  4. Add the following new related action to the Related Actions section:
    1. Update Additional Fields
      • Display Name: Click Expression and enter translation!Update Additional Fields
      • Key: updateAdditionalFields
      • Dialog Box Size: Medium
      • Process Model: CMGT_CB_Case_Update_AdditionalFields with context
        case: rule!CMGT_QR_GetCase(
        caseId: rv!identifier,
        includePrimaryContact: false
  5. Save the action and the record type.
  6. In the CMGT Case Management Studio Base application, search for CMGT_Case_CaseSummary.
  7. Search for updateAdditionalFields.
  8. Uncomment the action and reassign it to updateAdditionalFields on the CMGT_Case record.
  9. Click SAVE CHANGES.

Step 8: Adding additional studio data fields to the case create form

This is a required step. Perform these steps to enable Studio to create data fields to be available on a case-type intake form.

  1. Navigate to the Appian Designer.
  2. Navigate to CMGT Case Management Studio Base application.
  3. Search for and select the interface CMGT_Case_CreateCase_FormDisplayWrapper.
  4. Above the default for the match statement, add the following code block:
    equals: 2,
          case: ri!case,
          data: ri!data,
          currentStep: ri!currentStep,
          availableSteps: ri!availableSteps,
          case_processParameter: ri!case_processParameter,
          caseSubmissionSuccessful: ri!caseSubmissionSuccessful,
          documentsToDelete: ri!documentsToDelete,
          parentCaseTypeId: ri!parentCaseTypeId,
          contactsSectionValidation: ri!contactsSectionValidation
  5. Click SAVE CHANGES.

Step 9: Translating the application

This is an optional step. Refer to Exporting translation strings for translation for information on translating the Studio module to other languages.

Open in Github Built: Thu, May 16, 2024 (08:27:12 PM)

Setting Up Studio