Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. Unsupported Database Columns in Synced Record Types Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Overview This page provides information about the SQL data types that cannot be used when creating synced record types. If your source table contains a column type that is listed in the section for your database, that column cannot be mapped in your record type. Unsupported data types The various databases you can use with Appian have unique data types that may not be supported for synced record types. In general, Appian does not support binary, large object (LOB), spatial, or XML types, as well as any user-defined types. The following lists are provided as a reference and may not be comprehensive. Vendor-specific and user-defined types are generally not supported and may cause record types to not sync or other issues. For binary types, you may still be able to manually map a field in your record type to that column, but it is not guaranteed to work correctly and may fail completely with a future version of Appian. See the individual software sections for information about the specific types not supported by Appian. Note: If your table includes LONG or BIGINT columns, the safe range of values is from -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647. Numbers outside that range may not be synced correctly. See the Number (Integer) data type for more information about number values in Appian. IBM DB2 The following IBM DB2 types are not supported: BINARY BLOB CLOB DBCLOB GRAPHIC MariaDB & MySQL The following MariaDB and MySQL types are not supported: BLOB BINARY LONGBLOB MEDIUMBLOB MULTILINESTRING MULTIPOINT MULTIPOLYGON POINT POLYGON TINYBLOB VARBINARY YEAR Microsoft SQL Server The following MS SQL Server types are not supported: binary datetimeoffset geography geometry hierarchyid image rowversion sql_variant varbinary Oracle The following Oracle types are not supported: BFILE BINARYDOUBLE BINARYFLOAT BLOB CLOB INTERVAL_DAY_TOSECOND INTERVAL_YEAR_TOMONTH NCLOB ROWID TIMESTAMP_WITH_LOCALTZ TIMESTAMP_WITH_TZ UROWID VARBINARY PostgreSQL The following PostgreSQL types are not supported: BIT BIT_VARYING BOX BYTEA CIDR CIRCLE INET INTERVAL JSON JSONB LINE LSEG MACADDR MACADDR8 MONEY PATH PG_LSN PG_SNAPSHOT POINT POLYGON TSQUERY TSVECTOR TXID_SNAPSHOT UUID XML Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...