Take the Appian Developer Sentiment Survey View this page in the latest version of Appian. Configure a Chart to Grid Toggle Share Share via LinkedIn Reddit Email Copy Link Print On This Page Tip: Interface patterns give you an opportunity to explore different interface designs. Be sure to check out How to Adapt a Pattern for Your Application. Goal Display a column chart with a toggle to display an alternate grid view of the data. Display a chart with the number of tickets reported each month internally and from customers. Then add a grid to display the same data. Finally, add a link so that a user may toggle between the chart and grid views of the data. This pattern is recommended to provide a visual data display while still making the data accessible to users who employ assistive technology. This is the data displayed as a chart: This is the data displayed as a grid: This scenario demonstrates: How to configure alternate displays of the same data. How to modify the expression to display a grid when the user clicks on a link toggle. Create this pattern 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 a!localVariables( local!ticketData:{ a!map( month:"January", internalTickets:32, customerTickets:41 ), a!map( month:"February", internalTickets:16, customerTickets:38 ), a!map( month:"March", internalTickets:21, customerTickets:37 ), a!map( month:"April", internalTickets:31, customerTickets:20 ), a!map( month:"May", internalTickets:33, customerTickets:47 ), a!map( month:"June", internalTickets:9, customerTickets:22 ), a!map( month:"July", internalTickets:2, customerTickets:16 ), a!map( month:"August", internalTickets:11, customerTickets:29 ), a!map( month:"September", internalTickets:5, customerTickets:0 ), a!map( month:"October", internalTickets:71, customerTickets:10 ), a!map( month:"November", internalTickets:4, customerTickets:13 ), a!map( month:"December", internalTickets:5, customerTickets:21 ) }, /* This variable is referenced in the showWhen parameters of both the grid and the chart. */ local!showAsGrid: false, { a!linkField( links:{ /* The not() function simply inverts a true or false value, making for a simple toggle. */ a!dynamicLink( label: "View data as a " & if(local!showAsGrid, "chart", "grid"), value: not(local!showAsGrid), saveInto: local!showAsGrid ) } ), if(local!showAsGrid, a!gridField( label: "Logged Defect Tickets", data: local!ticketData, columns: { a!gridColumn( label: "Month", value: fv!row.month ), a!gridColumn( label: "Internal Tickets", value: fv!row.internalTickets, align: "END", width: "NARROW_PLUS" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Customer Tickets", value: fv!row.customerTickets, align: "END", width: "NARROW_PLUS" ), a!gridColumn( label: "Total Tickets", value: fv!row.internalTickets + fv!row.customerTickets, align:"END", width: "NARROW_PLUS" ) }, pageSize: 12 ), a!columnChartField( label: "Logged Defect Tickets", categories: left(local!ticketData.month, 3), series: { a!chartSeries(label: "Internal", data: local!ticketData.internalTickets), a!chartSeries(label: "Customer", data: local!ticketData.customerTickets) }, colorScheme: "PARACHUTE", yAxisTitle: "Number of Tickets", stacking: "NORMAL", showLegend: true ) ) } ) Test it out Click the "View this data as a grid" link. The chart will be replaced with a grid that displays all defect tickets. Click the "View this data as a chart" link. The grid will be replaced with the original chart. Notable implementation details This example uses a hard-coded data set. To use data from a record type, use a!queryRecordType() to populate local!ticketData and update the columns to use record type field references. See Aggregate Data and Conditionally Display in a Chart or Grid for a similar pattern using records. Feedback Was this page helpful? SHARE FEEDBACK Loading...