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Groups Reference Page
This version of Workforce Safety is not supported and this content is no longer being maintained. See What's New with Workforce Safety? for information on the latest release.
This content applies solely to Workforce Safety, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. This content was written for Appian 21.4 and may not reflect the interfaces or functionality of other Appian versions.


Workforce Safety uses groups to give users access to different parts of the solution.

All users are automatically added to the Workforce Safety Users group. This group has access to all actions and information on the Workforce Safety home page.

By adding users to the screeners, facilities manager, coordinators, configuration manager, and response managers groups, you are giving them access to the Response Hub. The information they can see and the actions they can perform on this site depends on the groups they are in.

This page lists the default groups provided with Workforce Safety and what access is granted to members of those groups in the Response Hub.

See also

  • For instructions on how to add and remove members from these groups, see the Configuration Guide.

Information and actions available to users in the Response Hub

This table lists the information and actions that are available in the Response Hub and the groups that control access to them.

Response managers have access to all information and actions in the Response Hub, including all of the pages and tabs.


Response Hub Information and Actions Administrators Screeners Facilities Managers Coordinators Configuration Managers Response Managers
Receive process errors. X
Manage users and groups in Appian Designer. X
Manage users and groups in Response Hub. X X
View the Response Hub. X X X X X X
Incidents page
View all data on the Incidents page. X
Manage and create incidents. X
Notify exposed people. X
Activity page
View the Activity page. X X X X
View Pass Requests report, except Eligibility Status and Incident Created filters and columns. X X
Request a pass on behalf of a user. X X
Schedule visits for visitors.* X X
Add new visitors.* X X
View all data on the Pass Requests report. X
View all data on the Survey report. X
View all data on the Isolation report. X
View all data on the Individual Tests and Pooled Tests reports. X
Request tests. X
Verify test results. X
Provide test results X
Cancel test requests X
View all data on the Community Help report. X X
Match with volunteer, reassign, and close help requests X X
People page
View all data on the People page. X
Request tests. X
Reports page
View reports. X
Configuration page
Configure data management to automatically archive data. X
View facilities from the facilities configuration page. X X X X X
Configure facilities, departments, and areas. X X X
Scan passes in the mobile application. X X
Toggle the Community Volunteering and Help Requests feature option. X X
Configure volunteer options. X X
Manage all other configurations. X X

*All members of the Workforce Safety Hosts group can also schedule and add visitors from the Workforce Safety home page. This group automatically includes the Workforce Safety Response Managers and Workforce Safety Screeners groups.

Syncing users to the database

Every night a process runs that updates the table in the database that stores user information to match the Workforce Safety Users group.

When users are deactivated or added to the Workforce Safety Users group, the changes might not show up in Workforce Safety right away. Instead, reports like the People page will be updated each night when this sync occurs.

Information and actions available to users in the user summary

Any user that has access to the Response Hub, except configuration managers, can see certain information for each user in the user's summary page. This information is displayed whenever you click on a user's name in the Response Hub.

The following image outlines which information each group has access to.

Response managers have access to all information and actions in this view. These actions include:

  • Updating user status.
  • Requesting a pass on behalf of a user.
  • Updating the user's profile.
  • Deleting data for a user.
  • Requesting a test for a user.

Groups Reference Page