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Appian Operator Helm Chart Values


This page documents the values supported by the Appian operator Helm chart for self-managed customers. They are used in the command to create the Appian operator Helm release — for an example, see Creating the Appian operator.

Helm chart values

Key Type Default Description
controllers.additionalArgs list [] Additional arguments for the controller binary.
controllers.affinity object {} Scheduling constraints for the controllers' pod. See Affinity and anti-affinity for more info.
controllers.nodeSelector object {} A selector which must be true for the controllers' pod to fit on a node. See nodeSelector for more info.
controllers.rbac.bind.clusterRoles list [] Names of existing cluster roles to which Appians managed by the controllers can be bound using role bindings.
controllers.rbac.bind.roles list [] Names of existing roles to which Appians managed by the controllers can be bound using role bindings.
controllers.rbac.clusterRoles list [] Names of existing cluster roles to which the controllers should be bound using role bindings.
controllers.rbac.clusterWideAccess bool true Whether the controllers should reconcile resources across the entire cluster. If enabled, the RBAC templates for the controllers render as ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings instead of as Roles and RoleBindings.
controllers.rbac.roles list [] Names of existing roles to which the controllers should be bound using role bindings.
controllers.resources object {} Compute resources required by the controllers' pod. See Resource Management for Pods and Containers for more info.
controllers.tolerations list [] Tolerations for the controllers' pod. See Taints and Tolerations for more info.
controllers.vpa.controlledResources list [] The type of recommendations that will be computed (and possibly applied) by VPA. If not specified, the default of [ResourceCPU, ResourceMemory] will be used.
controllers.vpa.controlledValues string "" Which resource values should be controlled. The default is RequestsAndLimits.
controllers.vpa.enabled bool false Whether vertical pod autoscaler (VPA) is enabled for the controllers.
controllers.vpa.maxAllowed object {} The maximum amount of resources that will be recommended for the container. The default is no maximum.
controllers.vpa.minAllowed object {} The minimal amount of resources that will be recommended for the container. The default is no minimum.
controllers.vpa.updateMode string "" When autoscaler applies changes to the pod resources. The default is Auto.
crd.update.affinity object {} Scheduling constraints for the CRD update pod. See Affinity and anti-affinity for more info.
crd.update.annotations object {} Annotations for the Appians CRD.
crd.update.enabled bool true Whether the helm hook to update the Appians CRD is enabled.
crd.update.nodeSelector object {} A selector which must be true for the CRD update pod to fit on a node. See nodeSelector for more info.
crd.update.resources object {} Compute resources required by the CRD update pod. See Resource Management for Pods and Containers for more info.
crd.update.tolerations list [] Tolerations for the CRD update pod. See Taints and Tolerations for more info.
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides for the fully qualified app name.
image.pullPolicy string "" The image pull policy. See Updating images for more info.
image.repository string "" The image's repository.
image.tag string {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} The image's tag.
imagePullSecrets list [] Names of existing image pull secrets. See Pull an Image from a Private Registry for more info.
nameOverride string "" Overrides for the name of the chart.
rbac.aggregatedClusterRoles.enabled bool true Whether to create cluster roles which aggregate to the built-in view, edit, and admin cluster roles. See Aggregated ClusterRoles for more info.
webhooks.affinity object {} Scheduling constraints for the webhooks' pod(s). See Affinity and anti-affinity for more info.
webhooks.caBundle string "" PEM encoded CA bundle used to validate the webhooks' server certificate, base64 encoded.
webhooks.enabled bool true Whether mutating and validation admission webhooks are enabled.
webhooks.hpa.apiVersion string "" The API version of HPA to use. Valid options are autoscaling/v1 and autoscaling/v2. Required when enabled is true.
webhooks.hpa.behavior object {} The scaling behavior of the target in both up and down directions. If not set, the default HPA scaling rules for scale up and scale down are used. Only applicable when apiVersion is autoscaling/v2.
webhooks.hpa.enabled bool false Whether horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) is enabled for the webhooks.
webhooks.hpa.maxReplicas int nil The upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. Cannot be smaller than minReplicas. Required when enabled is true.
webhooks.hpa.metrics list [] The specifications used to calculate the desired replica count (the maximum replica count across all metrics will be used). If not set, the default metric will be set to 80% average CPU utilization. Only applicable when apiVersion is autoscaling/v2.
webhooks.hpa.minReplicas int 1 The lower limit for the number of replicas to which the autoscaler can scale down.
webhooks.hpa.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int nil The target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods. If not specified, the default autoscaling policy will be used. Only applicable when apiVersion is autoscaling/v1.
webhooks.nodeSelector object {} A selector which must be true for the webhooks' pod(s) to fit on a node. See nodeSelector for more info.
webhooks.podDisruptionBudget.enabled bool false Whether a pod disruption budget (PDB) is enabled for the webhooks.
webhooks.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable int or string nil The number of pods that can be unavailable after the eviction. Can be either an absolute number or a percentage. Mutually exclusive with minAvailable.
webhooks.podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable int or string nil The number of pods that must still be available after the eviction, even in the absence of the evicted pod. Can be either an absolute number or a percentage. Mutually exclusive with maxUnavailable.
webhooks.rbac.clusterRoles list [] Names of existing cluster roles to which the webhooks should be bound using role bindings.
webhooks.rbac.roles list [] Names of existing roles to which the webhooks should be bound using role bindings.
webhooks.replicas int 1 Number of replicas of the webhooks. Only applicable when webhooks.hpa.enabled is false.
webhooks.resources object {} Compute resources required by the webhooks' pod(s). See Resource Management for Pods and Containers for more info.
webhooks.secret string "" Name of the existing secret containing the webhooks' server key and certificate. The two must be named tls.key and tls.crt, respectively. The certificate must be valid for appian-operator-webhooks.<APPIAN_OPERATOR_WEBHOOKS_NAMESPACE>.svc. Required when enabled is true.
webhooks.tolerations list [] Tolerations for the webhooks' pod(s). See Taints and Tolerations for more info.
webhooks.webhookConfiguration.annotations object {} Annotations for the mutating and validating webhook configuration resources.
webhooks.webhookConfiguration.caBundle string "" DEPRECATED: Use .webhooks.caBundle instead. PEM encoded CA bundle used to validate the webhooks' server certificate.

Appian Operator Helm Chart Values