OverviewCopy link to clipboard
The Cloud Database Management REST API allows you to manage various aspects of the Appian-provided Cloud database without the need to log in and manually update those values.
To support this API, the following endpoint allows you to integrate with a secrets management tool to update user credentials for the Enhanced Data Pipeline (EDP) without needing to sign in to Appian:
- Header:
Content-Type: application/json
- HTTP request method:
- Endpoint:
This endpoint is accessible only when Enhanced Data Pipeline is enabled.
This page describes how to make API calls to update an EDP user credential and troubleshoot common errors.
RequestCopy link to clipboard
request’s body must include a JSON object. The JSON object is a key-value pair of the password
property and its new value.
A password must be between 7 and 80 characters long and include both letters and numbers. It cannot be the same as your most recent password.
Request exampleCopy link to clipboard
PATCH https://mysite.appiancloud.com/suite/cloud-database-management/v1/edp-credentials/<edp-username>
JSON object example
"password": "46hvase5ru6dsa",
cURL example
If you’re calling the API from a command line interface, you can use cURL to make a request. The cURL command with the above JSON object and its corresponding files looks like:
curl --location --request \
PATCH 'https://mysite.appiancloud.com/suite/cloud-database-management/v1/edp-credentials/<edp-username>' \
--header 'appian-api-key: <API key>' \
--header 'Action-Type: import' \
--form json='{
"password": "46hvase5ru6dsa",
}' \
ResponseCopy link to clipboard
Successful responseCopy link to clipboard
Attribute | Value |
resource | The Enhanced Data Pipeline user that was updated |
message | A string indicating that the update succeeded |
Response exampleCopy link to clipboard
"resource": "/suite/cloud-database-management/v1/edp-credentials/edpUser",
"message": "User password successfully updated."
ErrorsCopy link to clipboard
The following table describes errors you may encounter when using this endpoint.
Error code | HTTP status code | Description | Example |
APNX-1-4179-010 | 400 | The password property is not provided in the request body. This is the only property that can be updated using this API endpoint. |
Attempting to update a non-existent passwords property results in this error. |
APNX-1-4179-014 | 400 | The provided username does not exist. Usernames are case-sensitive and use camel-case. | For a user with the username edpUser , using any other value, such as EdpUser , in the request URL results in this error. |
APNX-1-4179-013 | 400 | A password must have 7 to 80 characters and contain both letters and numbers. It cannot be the same as your most recent password. | A simple password containing only numbers, such as 12345678 , results in this error. |
APNX-1-4187-000 | 401 | The provided credential for the endpoint is invalid. | This error occurs when an expired access token or an invalid API key is included in the request. |
APNX-1-4188-003 | 401 | The service account associated with the provided access token or API key is not in the Database Administrators system group. | The service account does not have the permission to update a database user credential. |
APNX-1-0000-001 | 403 | You must have the Enhanced Data Pipeline feature enabled on your site to use this endpoint. | Enhanced Data Pipeline is not enabled. |
APNX-1-4179-011 | 405 | The request was made with an invalid HTTP method. PATCH is the only method allowed with this endpoint. |
A request made with the POST method results in this error. |
APNX-1-4179-008 | 415 | The request body's content type is invalid. The only supported content type is application/json . |
A request including a Content-Type: form-data header results in this error. |