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Milestone Component


a!milestoneField( label, instructions, steps, links, active, labelPosition, helpTooltip, showWhen, orientation, accessibilityText, color, marginAbove, marginBelow, stepStyle )

Displays the completed, current, and future steps of a process or sequence, such as a user's current step in a wizard or the current state of a business process.


Name Keyword Types Description




Text to display as the field label.




Supplemental text about this field.



List of Text String

Array of labels describing the sequence of steps.



List of Variant

Array of links to apply to the steps. Create links with a!documentDownloadLink(), a!dynamicLink(), a!newsEntryLink(), a!processTaskLink(), a!recordLink(), a!reportLink(), a!safeLink(), a!startProcessLink(), a!submitLink(), a!userRecordLink(), or a!authorizationLink().



Number (Integer)

Index of the current step. When null, all steps are in the future. When -1, all steps are completed.

Label Position



Determines where the label appears. Valid values:

  • "ABOVE" (default) Displays the label above the component.
  • "ADJACENT" Displays the label to the left of the component.
  • "COLLAPSED" Hides the label. The label will still be read by screen readers; see accessibility considerations for more information.
  • "JUSTIFIED" Aligns the label alongside the component starting at the edge of the page.

Help Tooltip



Displays a help icon with the specified text as a tooltip. The tooltip displays a maximum of 500 characters. The help icon does not show when the label position is "COLLAPSED".




Determines whether the component is displayed on the interface. When set to false, the component is hidden and is not evaluated. Default: true.




Determines the layout of the milestone steps. Valid values: "HORIZONTAL" (default), "VERTICAL".

Accessibility Text



Additional text to be announced by screen readers. Used only for accessibility; produces no visible change.




Determines the fill color. Valid values: Any valid hex color or "ACCENT" (default), "POSITIVE", "NEGATIVE", "WARN".

Margin Above



Determines how much space is added above the layout. Valid values: "NONE" (default), "EVEN_LESS", "LESS", "STANDARD", "MORE", "EVEN_MORE".

Margin Below



Determines how much space is added below the layout. Valid values: "NONE", "EVEN_LESS", "LESS", "STANDARD" (default), "MORE", "EVEN_MORE".

Step Style



Determines the style of the milestone steps. When viewed in Appian Mobile, the default "LINE" style is used. Valid values: "LINE" (default), "CHEVRON", "DOT".

Usage considerations

  • The active parameter can't be 0 or greater than the total number of items in the steps parameter. If it's null, all steps display as future steps. If it's -1, all steps display as completed.
  • Each item in the links array renders the corresponding item in the steps array as a link. An item in the steps array for which there is a null value or no value in the links array will render as plain text. There is no need to pad the end of the steps array with null.

Number and width of steps

  • The steps parameter must contain at least two items. We recommend that steps contains no more than seven items.
  • When viewed on a mobile device, the milestone component scrolls instead of shrinking the step width.

Milestone display options

You can choose to display your milestones using three different styles using the stepStyle parameter: "LINE", "DOT", and "CHEVRON". You can also choose either horizontal or vertical orientation using the orientation parameter.

By default, the milestone uses "ACCENT" for the color. You can select a custom color for your milestone using the color parameter.

The following are some examples of how each style appears.

Line style example:

milestone line style

Dot style example:


Chevron style example:

milestone chevron style

Length of text values

To ensure a professional and easy-to-read interface, use concise text values of similar length. The following adjustments will be applied automatically:


  • Tabs, leading/trailing spaces, and line breaks will be removed.
  • Double spaces between words will be reduced to one.

For each item in the steps array, there is no character limit, but text will truncate based on orientation:

  • Horizontal Orientation: Up to three lines of text display, with character limits per line based on the number of steps and available horizontal space.
  • Vertical Orientation: Text displays on a single line until space runs out.

Appian Mobile considerations

On Appian Mobile, the stepStyle parameter is ignored. When a milestone component is viewed in Appian Mobile, it will always display using the default "LINE" style.


Use the interactive editor below to test out your code:

Horizontal milestone

Vertical milestone

Milestone with conditional color changing

Milestone with chevron style status indicator

Milestone with dot style in wizard

Feature compatibility

The table below lists this component's compatibility with various features in Appian.
Feature Compatibility Note
Portals Compatible
Offline Mobile Compatible
Sync-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible
Real-Time Custom Record Fields Incompatible

Custom record fields that evaluate in real time must be configured using one or more Custom Field functions.

Process Reports Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process report.

Process Events Incompatible

Cannot be used to configure a process event node, such as a start event or timer event.

Process Autoscaling Compatible

The following patterns include usage of the Milestone Component.
