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Log Collection Script


The different systems in an Appian installation generate a variety of log files. These log files are also periodically rotated. The log collection tool provides a simple way to collect the standard selection of log files Appian Technical Support has found useful for debugging purposes and compress them into a single archive. By default, the log collection tool will only collect those files which do not potentially contain business data (such as rule, function, and data store names). The script also provides an option to collect additional log files which may contain this business data.


<APPIAN_HOME>/_admin/_scripts/tools/ (.bat)


Short Name Long Name Required Meaning
-d --dir No Path to the log directory for the Appian installation. Defaults to <APPIAN_HOME>/logs.
-f --full No Collects logs in greater detail. This may include elements of business data (rule, function, and data store names, etc). A warning is given before use.
-q --quiet No Suppress script output, including acquiescence to full log collection if selected
-h --help No Show usage information


For Linux environments

1 [-d path/to/ae/logs] [-f] [-q]

or for Windows environments

log-collection.bat [-d path/to/ae/logs] [-f] [-q]
