OverviewCopy link to clipboard
The Increment Constant Smart Service
allows you to increase or decrease the value of a constant by a specified interval of type Number (Integer). The node returns an "Updated Constant Value" of type Number (Integer) on the Output tab. Entering a positive number for the increment value increases the constant value, while a negative number decreases the value.
Use this smart service instead of the Update Constant Smart Service if you want to automatically increase or decrease constants that are used as global counters. Executing this smart service does not create a new version of the constant, and if multiple versions of the constant exists, only the latest version is modified.
Caution: Only users who have permissions to update the constant specified can execute the smart service on that constant. Attempting to complete this task without the proper user rights generates an error message for the process administrator and pauses the process.
You must specify values for the node inputs listed in the table below. You can either manually enter data into the text-field or generate a value using the Expression Editor. When using the Expression Editor, you can reference and modify process variables, rules, constants, and other data. The expressions then populate your node input values.
PropertiesCopy link to clipboard
- Category: Business Rules
- Icon:
- Assignment Options: Unattended
Configuration optionsCopy link to clipboard
This section contains tab configuration details specific to this smart service. For more information about common configurations see the Process Node Properties page.
Data tabCopy link to clipboard
The Data Tab displays the node inputs and outputs for the activity. You can add additional inputs and custom outputs, if needed.
Node inputsCopy link to clipboard
The default inputs include the following:
Input | Data Type | Description | Required | Multiple |
Constant | Constant | The constant of type Number (Integer) to be incremented/decremented. Typically, you should use the picker or autocomplete to select the constant. You can also use a custom expression function plug-in that returns the desired constant. | Yes | No |
Increment By | Number (Integer) | The positive or negative value by which to increment the constant. | Yes | No |
Note: Do not select the constant from the Rules and Constants tab in the Expression Editor.