Class SafeActivityReturnVariable


public class SafeActivityReturnVariable extends Object
Wrapper for ActivityReturnVariable that enforces non-null value, and contains only getters so that users cannot change the values.
  • Field Details

    • LOG

      protected static final org.apache.log4j.Logger LOG
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      converts typed variable to a string
      toString in class Object
      the string representation of the underlying typed variable
    • children

      public SafeActivityReturnVariable[] children()
      If the type of the variable is BEAN, returns an array of ACP who are the fields of the bean. If the type of the variable is BEAN_ARRAY, returns an array of the ACP who are the cells in the array. Otherwise, returns null. All non-null return values are wrapped in SafeActivityReturnVariables.

      Note that this is not a getXXX method, so as not to be confused with a property (mostly by ASL/k).

    • getType

      @Deprecated public Long getType()
      the type of the typed variable
    • getInstanceType

      public Long getInstanceType()
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      the key(name) of the typed variable
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getValue

      public Object getValue()
      the value of the typed variable
    • setValue

      public void setValue(Object value_)
      Sets the value of the typed variable. Unlike the method on typed variable, this one will not do any conversions - the type must be exactly right.
      IllegalStateException - If called on an object of type BEAN or BEAN_ARRAY
      IllegalArgumentException - If called with an object that is not of the correct type
    • findByName

      public static SafeActivityReturnVariable findByName(SafeActivityReturnVariable[] variables_, String name_)
      Finds the variable in the given array whose namecorresponds to the given name. If no such variable can be found, returns null.
      variables_ - SafeActivityReturnVariables to search through
      name_ - name of activity variable to search for
      the first SafeActivityReturnVariable that exactly matches name_
    • getArvs

      public static ActivityReturnVariable[] getArvs(SafeActivityReturnVariable[] safes_)
      safes_ - The SafeActivityReturnVariable objects to get ActivityReturnVariable objects for
      the ActivityReturnVariable objects relating to the given SafeActivityReturnVariable objects