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Integrating Magnum Pure with CU Life
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This content applies solely to Connected Underwriting Life, which must be purchased separately from the Appian base platform. This content was written for Appian 23.4 and may not reflect the interfaces or functionality of other Appian versions.
Installing the Swiss Re Magnum Pure Add-On module with your Connected Underwriting Life Workbench solution consists of two steps:
Imported Connected Underwriting Life Workbench base application.
Step 1: Import the application
To import the application files:
In the target environment, log in as the deployment user.
Navigate to the Appian Designer.
Click UPLOAD and choose the application zip file.
Click INSPECT to ensure that there will be no complications on import.
Note: The import may time out due to file size, but the import will continue in the background.
Review the import results.
Navigate into the new ISL Add-On: Magnum Decision (ISL_MGD) application and open the ISL_MGD_CS_Magnum connected system.
Update the connected system URL and authentication configurations to enable access to the desired Magnum environment.
Save your changes.
Step 2: Incorporation with CU Life
The following incorporation steps are required to utilize the Magnum Pure integration with your CU Life solution.
Get and display parent Magnum decision on a case
In the target environment, log in.
Navigate to the Appian Designer.
Navigate to Insurance Life Underwriting (ISL) application.
Navigate to the ISL_Case_Create process model.
Add a new synchronous subprocess node to the end of the process, setting the process to be run as ISL_MGD_CaseMagnumDecision_GetAndStore.
Set the sole caseMagnumDecision process variable by calling the rule ISL_MGD_CaseMagnumDecision_Initialize and passing in pv!case for the case rule input.
Open the ISL_Case_GeneralInformationSummary interface and add the following code to the end of the array of columns in the a!columnsLayout().
Navigate to the Views and Actions Security tab of the ISL_Case record and edit the security rule for the Magnum Decision view.
Configure the rule to display only when caseExternalPointer.externalPointerTypeId = cons!ISL_MGD_REFID_EXTERNAL_POINTER_TYPE_MAGNUM \ and caseExternalPointer.externalPointer is not null.
Open the ISL_MGD_TXT_URL_STUB_MAGNUM_DECISION_VIEW constant and update the value to match the URL stub of the record view created in step 5.
Save your changes.
Display Magnum Decision on the Update Decision form
Perform the steps in this section to display Magnum Decision on the Update Decision form.
Log in to the target environment.
Navigate to the Appian Designer.
Navigate to Insurance Life Underwriting (ISL) application.
Navigate to ISL_Case_RecordAction_UpdateDecision interface.
Navigate to the read-only Case Information section of the Update Decision interface.
Below the Face Amount field, add the following code to the end of rule!ISL_UTILG_currencyField: