Annotation Interface Input

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Input
The @Input annotation is an optional annotation for smart service setter methods that allows for additional input behaviors to be described.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    If a picker for an input other than the type that is typically used for the input type is required, the customDisplayReference attribute can be used to refer to the name of the picker that should be used instead.
    The String representation of the default value of the input.
    If the input should be based on an enumeration, pass the name of the enumeration to this attribute.
    Determines whether the input will show up in the Data tab of the node in the process modeler.
    The localId attribute is used for converting pre-existing smart services to the annotated smart service plug-ins.
    Whether or not the input is required.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    static final String
  • Field Details

  • Element Details

    • defaultValue

      String[] defaultValue
      The String representation of the default value of the input. For multiple value inputs give the default value as an array of strings. For example, for a multiple Boolean:
      {@code @Input(defaultValue={"false","true","true"})
    • required

      Required required
      Whether or not the input is required. Use an item from the Required enumeration as the value. The default is for the input to be required.
    • enumeration

      String enumeration
      If the input should be based on an enumeration, pass the name of the enumeration to this attribute. The enumeration must be one of the provided enumerations in WEB-INF/conf/process/enumeration-config-process.xml or a custom enumeration provided in WEB-INF/conf/process/enumeration-config-<custom>.xml or provided in a plug-in.
    • localId

      String localId
      The localId attribute is used for converting pre-existing smart services to the annotated smart service plug-ins. It should be used when the target system already has models that use the existing smart service that is being replaced by the new plug-in. The value of the activity-class-parameter-schema local-id should be passed to this attribute. Using this attribute is not required and not recommended for new smart service plug-ins.
    • hiddenFromDesigner

      boolean hiddenFromDesigner
      Determines whether the input will show up in the Data tab of the node in the process modeler. If set to true, the input should be given a default value.
    • customDisplayReference

      String customDisplayReference
      If a picker for an input other than the type that is typically used for the input type is required, the customDisplayReference attribute can be used to refer to the name of the picker that should be used instead. For example, to limit the picker for an input of type Group to just show Departments:

      If the input is of type String, the value of "htmlarea" can be passed to the attribute in order to change the standard text input to a rich text variation.