Class RetryableSmartServiceException.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class RetryableSmartServiceException.Builder extends SmartServiceException.Builder
The Builder inner class is used to create an instance of the SmartServiceException. Pass the class that is throwing the SmartServiceException and the Throwable that caused the exception to the constructor, then set the userMessage, then build. See the example in the main class javadoc.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder(Class smartServiceClass, Throwable cause)
      Construct a RetryableSmartServiceException.Builder using the class that is throwing the exception and the cause of the exception.
      smartServiceClass - the class that is throwing the exception
      cause - the Throwable that was caught, causing the SmartServiceException to be thrown
    • Builder

      public Builder(Class smartServiceClass, String smartServiceBundleName, Throwable cause)
      Construct a RetryableSmartServiceException.Builder using the class that is throwing the exception and the cause of the exception.
      smartServiceClass - the class that is throwing the exception
      smartServiceBundleName - the bundle name used to locate the i18n properties file
      cause - the Throwable that was caught, causing the SmartServiceException to be thrown
  • Method Details

    • build

      public SmartServiceException build()
      After setting the userMessage, call build to create an instance of the RetryableSmartServiceException with the message set.
      build in class SmartServiceException.Builder
      the RetryableSmartServiceException with everything set