Class CalendarDateElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
com.appiancorp.core.expr.calendar.PortableCalendarDateElement, com.appiancorp.core.expr.calendar.PortableCalendarElement

public class CalendarDateElement extends CalendarElement implements com.appiancorp.core.expr.calendar.PortableCalendarDateElement
The CalendarDateElement is similar to the CalendarElement but it has an additional field which specifies the specific day to which this element is applied.
  • Constructor Details

    • CalendarDateElement

      public CalendarDateElement()
      Default constructor for a CalendarDateElement.
    • CalendarDateElement

      public CalendarDateElement(Date date_, int minuteOfDay_, int lengthInMinutes_)
      CalendarDateElement constructor which initializes the date of this element as well as the starting minute and duration in minutes.
      date_ - The date to which this element applies.
      minuteOfDay_ - The start minute for this start-end pair.
      lengthInMinutes_ - The duration in minutes for this start-end pair.
    • CalendarDateElement

      public CalendarDateElement(Date date_, CalendarElement tempElement_)
      CalendarDateElement constructor which initializes the date of this element as well as the starting minute and duration in minutes. The starting minute and duration should be provided in tempElement_
      date_ - The date to which this element applies.
      tempElement_ - An instance of CalendarElement containing starting minute and the duration.
  • Method Details

    • getDate

      public Date getDate()
      Get the date to which this CalendarDateElement is applied.
      Specified by:
      getDate in interface com.appiancorp.core.expr.calendar.PortableCalendarDateElement
      The date to which this element is applied.
      See Also:
    • setDate

      public void setDate(Date date_)
      Set the date to which this CalendarDateElement is applied.
      date_ - The date to which this element is applied to set.
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Simple toString method. The format of this is allowed to change.
      toString in class CalendarElement