Class RecurringInterval.Weekly

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class RecurringInterval.Weekly extends Object implements Serializable
Class that defines time interval for events that occur on a Weekly basis.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Weekly

      public Weekly()
  • Method Details

    • getDaysOfWeek

      public Integer[] getDaysOfWeek()
      Returns an array of integer containing the days of the Week on which the event occurs. Weekdays are represented by integers in the following way: SUNDAY = 1, MONDAY = 2, TUESDAY = 3, WEDNESDAY = 4, THURSDAY = 5, FRIDAY = 6, SATURDAY = 7. Hence if the event should occur every Monday and Thursday, it will represented by the following int[] = new int{2, 5}
      integer array containing days of the week on which event occurs
    • setDaysOfWeek

      public void setDaysOfWeek(Integer[] daysOfWeek_)
      Sets days of week on which the event occurs. The parameter is an array of integer containing the days of the Week on which the event occurs. Weekdays are represented by integers in the following way: SUNDAY = 1, MONDAY = 2, TUESDAY = 3, WEDNESDAY = 4, THURSDAY = 5, FRIDAY = 6, SATURDAY = 7. So if the event should occur every Monday and Thursday, it will represented by the following int[] = new int{2, 5}
    • getWeekInterval

      public Integer getWeekInterval()
      Return interval in number of weeks between two consecutive weeks on which event occurs.
    • setWeekInterval

      public void setWeekInterval(Integer weekInterval_)
      Sets interval in number of weeks between two consecutive weeks on which event occurs.
    • getWeekIntervalExpr

      public String getWeekIntervalExpr()
      Gets interval in number of weeks between two consecutive weeks on which event occurs.
      an expression that resolves to a number (integer)
    • setWeekIntervalExpr

      public void setWeekIntervalExpr(String weekIntervalExpr_)
      Sets interval in number of weeks between two consecutive weeks on which event occurs.
      weekIntervalExpr_ - an expression that resolves to a number (integer)