Class RecurringInterval.Daily

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class RecurringInterval.Daily extends Object implements Serializable
Class defines Daily recurring interval
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Daily

      public Daily()
    • Daily

      public Daily(boolean everyWeekday_)
      Creates a new Daily Object.
      everyWeekday_ - if true the event occurs every weekday. The day interval property is ignored in this case.
  • Method Details

    • getDayInterval

      public Integer getDayInterval()
      Returns the interval in terms of number of days. This property is ignored if the everyWeekday property is set to true.
    • setDayInterval

      public void setDayInterval(Integer dayInterval_)
      Sets the interval in terms of number of days. This property is ignored if the everyWeekday property is set to true.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the dayInterval is not a positive integer.
    • getEveryWeekday

      public boolean getEveryWeekday()
      Returns true if the event occurs every weekday, else false.
    • setEveryWeekday

      public void setEveryWeekday(boolean everyWeekday_)
      Sets if the Daily object should throw an even every weekday.
      everyWeekday_ - true if the event should occur every weekday, else false.
    • getDayIntervalExpr

      public String getDayIntervalExpr()
      Gets the interval in terms of number of days. This property is ignored if the everyWeekday property is set to true.
      an expression that evaluates to a number (integer)
    • setDayIntervalExpr

      public void setDayIntervalExpr(String dayIntervalExpr_)
      Sets the interval in terms of number of days. This property is ignored if the everyWeekday property is set to true.
      dayIntervalExpr_ - an expression that evaluates to a number (integer)