Class ProcessStartConfig


public class ProcessStartConfig extends Object
Specifies options and configurations that control behavior when starting a process.
  • Constructor Details

    • ProcessStartConfig

      public ProcessStartConfig()
      Instantiate a ProcessStartConfig using default values for all configurations.
    • ProcessStartConfig

      public ProcessStartConfig(ProcessVariable[] processParameters)
      Instantiate a ProcessStartConfig with the given process parameters. Default values will be used for all other configurations.
      processParameters - The process parameters to use when starting the process. The following fields must be populated for each ProcessVariable object: name, value, instanceType.
    • ProcessStartConfig

      public ProcessStartConfig(ProcessVariable[] processParameters, String processModelVersion, Long priorityId)
      Instantiate a ProcessStartConfig with the given process parameters, process model version and priority id.
      processParameters - The process parameters to use when starting the process. The following fields must be populated for each ProcessVariable object: name, value, instanceType.
      processModelVersion - The process model version to use when starting the process (use AbstractProcessModel.LATEST_PUBLISHED_VERSION to start the latest published version of the model)
      priorityId - The priority id to use when starting the process (null means use the default).
    • ProcessStartConfig

      public ProcessStartConfig(ProcessVariable[] processParameters, String processModelVersion, Long priorityId, int depth)
      Instantiate a ProcessStartConfig with the given process parameters, process model version and priority id.
      processParameters - The process parameters to use when starting the process. The following fields must be populated for each ProcessVariable object: name, value, instanceType.
      processModelVersion - The process model version to use when starting the process (use AbstractProcessModel.LATEST_PUBLISHED_VERSION to start the latest published version of the model)
      priorityId - The priority id to use when starting the process (null means use the default).
      depth - The current subprocess depth. Top level is 0
  • Method Details

    • getPriorityId

      public Long getPriorityId()
      Get the priority id to use when starting the process. Defaults to null, which means use the default priority id.
      the priority id
    • setPriorityId

      public void setPriorityId(Long priorityId)
      Set the priority id to use when starting the process.
      priorityId - the priority id (null means use the default)
    • getProcessModelVersion

      public String getProcessModelVersion()
      Get the process model version to use when starting the process. Defaults to the latest published version if not set.
      the process model version
    • setProcessModelVersion

      public void setProcessModelVersion(String processModelVersion)
      Set the process model version to use when starting the process.
      processModelVersion - the process model version (use AbstractProcessModel.LATEST_PUBLISHED_VERSION to start the latest published version of the model)
    • getProcessParameters

      public ProcessVariable[] getProcessParameters()
      Get the process parameters that will be used when starting the process.
      the process parameters
    • setProcessParameters

      public void setProcessParameters(ProcessVariable[] processParameters)
      Set the process parameters to use when starting the process. If using a process variable of an Appian type, do not set the value to that object but instead to the corresponding primitive. For instance, do not assign a User process variable a User object. Instead, assign that process variable a String containing the username. Likewise, assign a process variable of type Group should be assigned a Long, etc. The exception to this rule is the People type. Process variables of type People should be assigned a LocalObject. Only the values are used for passed parameters, not expressions; expressions must be set on the process model at design time.
      processParameters - The following fields must be populated for each ProcessVariable object: name, value, instanceType
    • getDepth

      public int getDepth()
      Get the depth of the current process
      the current depth
    • setDepth

      public void setDepth(int depth)
      Set the current process depth
      depth - the current process depth