Class MessagePropertySchema

All Implemented Interfaces:
TypedVariableTypes, AppianType

public class MessagePropertySchema extends Object implements TypedVariableTypes
Represents a schema for a header property of a JMS message.
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagePropertySchema

      public MessagePropertySchema()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name (key).
      the name
      See Also:
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name (key).
      name - the name
      See Also:
    • isInputFromModeler

      public boolean isInputFromModeler()
      Gets whether this parameter can be input from the Modeler (whether it shows up in the Message Properties Grid on the Data tab of the Send Messages dialog).
      whether the parameter can be input from the Modeler
      See Also:
    • setInputFromModeler

      public void setInputFromModeler(boolean inputFromModeler)
      Sets whether this parameter can be input from the modeler.
      inputFromModeler - whether this parameter can be input from the Modeler
      See Also:
    • isMultiple

      public boolean isMultiple()
      Gets whether the parameters created from this schema can contain multiple values.
      whether parameters created from this schema can contain multiple values
      See Also:
    • setMultiple

      public void setMultiple(boolean multiple)
      Sets whether the parameters created from this schema can contain multiple values.
      multiple - whether parameters created from this schema can contain multiple values
      See Also:
    • isRequired

      public boolean isRequired()
      Gets whether the message property is required.
      whether the message property is required
      See Also:
    • setRequired

      public void setRequired(boolean required)
      Sets whether the message property is required.
      required - whether the message property is required
      See Also:
    • getType

      public Long getType()
      Gets the data type.
      the data type
      See Also:
    • setType

      public void setType(Long type)
      Sets the data type.
      type - the data type
      See Also:
    • isVisibleOnReceiveMessage

      public boolean isVisibleOnReceiveMessage()
      Returns whether the message property is visible on the Receive Message Node in modeler.
      whether the message property should be displayed.
      See Also:
    • setVisibleOnReceiveMessage

      public void setVisibleOnReceiveMessage(boolean visibleOnReceiveMessage)
      Sets the message property is visible on the ReceiveMessage Node in modeler.
      visibleOnReceiveMessage - whether the message property is visible.
      See Also: