Class JmsConfiguration


public class JmsConfiguration extends com.appiancorp.common.config.AbstractConfiguration
Contains the values pulled out of Also contains the keys that should be used in
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • JmsConfiguration

      public JmsConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getClientIds

      public List<String> getClientIds()
      The client IDs to use for connecting to JMS. These IDs are represented in a comma-delimited string in the file, and this string is split up into an array of client IDs. Either CLIENT_IDS_KEY or both CLIENT_ID_PREFIX_KEY and MAX_CONNECTIONS_KEY must be populated.
    • getClientIdPrefix

      public String getClientIdPrefix()
      The prefix to use for auto-generated client IDs. Either CLIENT_IDS_KEY or both CLIENT_ID_PREFIX_KEY and MAX_CONNECTIONS_KEY must be populated.
    • getMaxTopicConnections

      public int getMaxTopicConnections()
      The maximum number of topic connections. Either CLIENT_IDS_KEY or both CLIENT_ID_PREFIX_KEY and MAX_CONNECTIONS_KEY must be populated.
    • getConnectionFactoryNames

      public List<String> getConnectionFactoryNames()
    • getProcessTopic

      public String getProcessTopic()
    • getTopicPrefix

      public String getTopicPrefix()
      The topic prefix. This will be prepended to all topic names before sending an InternalJmsMessage to JMS. The topic prefix is often defined by the JMS provider.
    • getQueuePrefix

      public String getQueuePrefix()
      The queue prefix. This will be prepended to all queue names before sending an InternalJmsMessage to JMS. The topic prefix is often defined by the JMS provider.
    • getCreateConnectionUsername

      public String getCreateConnectionUsername()
      The username used for the JMS createConnection method.
    • getCreateConnectionPassword

      public String getCreateConnectionPassword()
      The password used for the JMS createConnection method.
    • getURL

      public String getURL()
      The java.naming.provider.url to use.
    • getClientIdsSize

      public int getClientIdsSize()
    • getEmbeddedBrokerUrl

      public String getEmbeddedBrokerUrl()
      The broker URL to use when running an embedded JMS broker
    • isEmbeddedBrokerEnabled

      public boolean isEmbeddedBrokerEnabled()
      Should a local embedded broker be started, if a jms/AppianProcessIntegrationConnectionFactory is also defined default true