Interface Models

public interface Models
Models Models provides access to models stored in EPEx. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this interface.
  • Method Details

    • modelReferences

      Set<ModelReference> modelReferences()
      If you already know the process model UUID, do not use this method. Obtain the ModelReference from EPEx.modelReference directly. The process model must be published and secured in EPEx in order to be available to this method. These UUIDs match the UUID of the traditional process model object (i.e., if you know the process model UUID, and publish that process model in EPEx, this will be the same UUID). These UUIDs do not change. Once you've found the UUID, you may continue to use it, even between restarts. It is safe to encode the UUID as a constant. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      the Set of available elastic process model UUIDs, suitable for use in getModel(String).
    • modelReference

      ModelReference modelReference(String modelUuid)
      Generate an ModelReference from a modelUuid. A ProcessModel's getUuid() is valid, if that ProcessModel has been publishedin EPEx. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      modelUuid - (only shallow validations are done)
      an instance of ModelReference representing the given modelUuid
    • getModel

      Model getModel(ModelReference modelReference)
      Get the latest published version of the given process model in EPEx. Note: Only process models with autoscaling mode enabled are compatible with this function.
      modelReference - (null yields NullPointerException, empty yields IllegalArgumentException), as retrieved from models().
      an instance of AutoscaledProcessModel