Class ConfigurationLoader


public final class ConfigurationLoader extends Object
Factory for returning an instance of Configuration.
  • Constructor Details

    • ConfigurationLoader

      public ConfigurationLoader()
  • Method Details

    • getConfiguration

      public static Configuration getConfiguration()
      Returns the first instance of the Configuration class found. Call this to get an instance that implements the Configuration interface and allows access to configuration property values.
      the instance of Configuration
    • initializeConfigurations

      @Deprecated public static void initializeConfigurations()
      This method is needed to use the service APIs from a standalone application, which is no longer supported.
      Initializes the configurations needed to use the service APIs from a standalone application. Typically, these configurations are initialized during the application server startup, however if you are writing a standalone application that does not run in the application server, you need to call this method to initialize the prerequisite configurations before making any calls to the services. You must have the _admin/_scripts/classpath.jar in your classpath, and must not change the product installation directory structure.
    • isInitialized

      @Deprecated public static boolean isInitialized()
      This method is needed to use the service APIs from a standalone application, which is no longer supported.
      Returns true if initializeConfigurations has been called, and false otherwise.