Class Search

All Implemented Interfaces:

@GwtCompatible public final class Search extends Object implements Criteria
This class holds a full-text search query, such as "2004 TPS report deadline".

NOTE: When a structured search query syntax is supported, a parser will have extracted the parts of the user query, and only the search text will be held in this filter object. For example, for the query "to:john.smith TPS reports sort:subject", the query string will only hold the text "TPS reports", while "to:john.smith" will be turned into a filter and "sort:subject" will be turned into a sort.

An instance can only be obtained using com.appiancorp.common.query.QueryBuilder.SearchOp.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Search

      protected Search(String searchQuery)
      Constructs a new Search with the given search query string
      searchQuery -
    • Search

      protected Search(String searchQuery, String field)
  • Method Details