Class PortalState


public class PortalState extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • PortalState

      public PortalState(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest q_)
      Construct from a HttpServletRequest. Is is assumed that the HttpServletRequest contains the parameters and attributes necessary for populating a new PortalState object.
      q_ - the Request Object
  • Method Details

    • getUser

      public User getUser()
      Get the object of class User representing the current user.
      The user name.
    • isUserPortalAdmin

      public boolean isUserPortalAdmin()
      Determine whether the current user is a Portal administrator.
      true if the current user is a Portal administrator; false if not.
    • getCurrentPortletId

      public Long getCurrentPortletId()
      Get the id of the current portlet. The current portlet is the one that is currently being rendered.
      The id of the current portlet.
    • getPortletSession

      public PortletSession getPortletSession(Long portletId_)
      Get the PortletSession for a given portlet.
      portletId_ - The id of the portlet whose PortletSession is desired.
      the PortletSession
    • getCurrentPortletSession

      public PortletSession getCurrentPortletSession()
      Get the PortletSession for the current portlet.
      the PortletSession for the current portlet
    • isCurrentPortletControlled

      public boolean isCurrentPortletControlled()
      Determine if the current portlet is controlled. The controlled portlet is the portlet, if any, from which the current request originated.
      true if the current portlet is controlled; false if not.
    • getCurrentPageId

      public Long getCurrentPageId()
      Get the id of the current page. The current page is the one being rendered. Only pages that contain portlets have ids. If this method is called on a non-portlet-containing page, it will return null.
      The page id.