Class XsdImportEcoreSaveException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class XsdImportEcoreSaveException extends ImportException
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getValidationErrors

      public List<ValidationItem> getValidationErrors()
      Returns the validation errors that caused this exception. If the list is empty, it means that this exception was not caused by validation errors, but rather an exception, which can be retrieved using Throwable.getCause().
    • getErrorCodeArguments

      protected Object[] getErrorCodeArguments(Locale locale)
      If this exception was caused by validation errors, returns the localized validation codes. If this exception was caused by another exception, returns the localized message of the cause exception (or just the message, if the cause exception is not an AppianException/AppianRuntimeException).
      getErrorCodeArguments in class AppianException
      locale - arguments' locale
      the arguments of the error code tied to this exception