Class ImportDiagnosticUtils


public final class ImportDiagnosticUtils extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getMessages

      public static String[] getMessages(ImportDiagnosticSeverity severity_, ImportDiagnostic[] diagnostics_, Locale locale_)
      Gets the messages that were generated during the import for the level of serverity_ specified
      severity_ - The severity level of messages. This is one of ImportDiagnosticSeverity.XXX_LITERAL constants, where XXX could be FATAL, ERROR, WARNING or INFORMATION
      diagnostics_ - An array of ImportDiagnostic generated during import
      locale_ - The locale to use when localizing the message
      messages generated during the import for a particular severity
    • getAllMessages

      public static String[] getAllMessages(ImportDiagnostic[] diagnostics_, Locale locale_)
      Gets the messages that were generated during the import for all levels of serverity_
      diagnostics_ - An array of ImportDiagnostic generated during import
      locale_ - The locale to use when localizing the message
      messages generated during the import for all severities