Annotation Interface Type

The Type annotation enables one to indicate that the annotated method or parameter is dealing with the specified type. The name and namespace of the type are given as the attributes of the annotation.

The Type annotation can be used with custom smart services and custom functions to indicate the type of the parameters and return values. In most cases, primitive types will be automatically converted to their Appian type equivalent, but in the cases of Appian objects (like Community) a type annotation should be used. Type annotations have been pre-defined for the standard Appian objects (see the See Also list below).

The Type annotation can also be used to indicate that a type is a custom data type:

@Type(namespace="", name="MyCustomType")
public void setMyValue(TypedValue v);

The Type annotation can be used to annotate custom pre-defined data type annotations like the ones provided for Appian types. For example:

@Type(namespace="", name="MyCustomType")
public @interface MyCustomDataType

See Also:
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The name attribute is used to indicate the local part (name) of the type.
    The namespace attribute is used to indicate the namespace of the type.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
  • Field Details

  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The name attribute is used to indicate the local part (name) of the type.
    • namespace

      String namespace
      The namespace attribute is used to indicate the namespace of the type.