Class UserUuidTransformation


public final class UserUuidTransformation extends Object
UserUuidTransformation As process audit history returns users in user UUID form, this allows those user UUIDs to be transformed into usernames. This can be expensive (with calls to fetch usernames from their user UUIDs the first time they are encountered), so done optionally. Within the Consumer of AuditHistoryRow, keep an instance of this, and invoke usernameUuidTransformation on each AuditHistoryRow instance, but ONLY if you want the values to have their user UUIDs remapped to usernames.
  • Constructor Details

    • UserUuidTransformation

      public UserUuidTransformation(ServiceContext serviceContext)
      serviceContext - to be used to fetch user UUIDS into usernames
  • Method Details

    • usernameUuidTransformation

      public UserUuidTransformation.Action usernameUuidTransformation(AuditHistoryRow auditHistoryRow)
      Transform this auditHistoryRow's user UUID, and its CompleteValue or PartialValue's user UUIDS, into usernames. Do not do this more than once to any given row, or it will attempt to transform usernames as if they were user UUIDs. This may involve calls to the Personalization engine (if POPULATED_UUID is returned).
      auditHistoryRow -
      Action.POPULATED_UUID is a UUID was populated from other than cache, otherwise Action.NONE